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"Enrollment" means the document that am Enrolled Affiliate submits urlder this Agreement to place orders <br />for Products. <br />"Enterprise" means an Enrolled Affiliate and the Affiliates for which it is responsible and chooses on its <br />Enrollment to include in its enterprise. <br />"Fixes" mI <br />dumeans Pro fixes, modifications or enhancements, or (heir derivatives, that Microsoft either <br />releases generally (such as Product sefvlcelpacks) or provides to Customer to address a specific issue. <br />"License" means the right to download, install, access and use a Product. For cedain Products, a License <br />may be available on a fixed term or subscription basis ("Subscription License"), Licenses for Online <br />Services will be considered Subscription Licenses. <br />'Microsoft' means the Microsoft Affiliate that has entered Into this Agreement or an Enrollment and its <br />Affiliates, as appropriate. <br />'Online Services" means the Microsoft -hosted Services identified as Online Services in the Product Terms. <br />'Online Services Temrs' means the addil'ronal terms that apply to Customer's use or Online Services <br />Published on the Volume Licensing Site and'updaled from lime to time, <br />"Product" means all products Identified In the Product Terns, such as all Software, Online Services and <br />olherweb-based services, including pre-release or bola versions. <br />"Product Terms" means the document Ihal provides Information about Microsoft Products and Professional <br />Services available through volume licensing. The Product Terms document Is published on the Volume <br />Licensing Site and Is updated from time to time. <br />"SLA" means Service Level Agreement, which specifies the minimum service level for Online Services and <br />is published on the Volume Licensing Site. <br />':Software" means licensed copies of Microsoft software identified on rite Product Terms. Software does not <br />include Online Services, but Software may be part of an Online Service. <br />"Software Assurance" Is an offering by Microsoft that provides new version rights and other benefits for <br />Products as further described in the Product Terms. <br />'Trade. Secret means information that is not generally known or readily ascertainable to the public, has <br />economic value as a result, and has been slrbject to reasonable steps under the circumslances to maintain <br />its secrecy. I <br />"use' or 'run" means to copy, install, use, access, display, run or otherwise interact. <br />"Use Rights' means the use rights or terms of service for each Product published on [fie Volume Licensing <br />Site and updated from time to time. The Use Rights supersede the leans of any end user license agreement <br />that accompanies a Product. The Use Rights for Sofwere are published by Mlcrosofl in the Product Terms. <br />The Use Rights for Online Services are published in the Online Services Terms. <br />"Volume Licensing Site,' means htie!Hwwv: nllerosoftcomilicensino/contracts or a successor si(c, <br />2. How the Enterprise program works <br />a. General, The Enterprise program consists of the leans and conditions on which an Enrolled <br />Affiliate may acquire Product Licenses. Under the Enterprise program, Customer and Its <br />Affiliates may order Licenses for Products by entering Into Enrollments. <br />h. Enrollments. The Enterprise f.rogranl gives Customer and/or its Affiliates the ability to enter <br />Into one or more Enrollments to order Products. Subscription Enrollments maybe available for <br />some of these Enrollments. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, only <br />Enrolled Affiliates Identified in on Enrollment will be responsible for complying with the terms <br />of (hat Enrollment, including the terms of this Agreement Incorporated by reference In that <br />Enrollment. ' <br />nA2nlrAtp(u$)ti C;iF.01(i)INnv2rle} Page 2 or 11 <br />Connrenl k20.107.09 <br />