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a` Microsoft I Volume Licensing <br />Enterprise ,!Agreement State and Local <br />401 for Use VNh MiCrpsoll nnalnssa lUr rrtnnlenl ortAlousI'll n113111 dR rand ax,virns hgnrwneol <br />This Microsoft Enterprise Afircement ("Agrdement") Is entered Into between the entitled identified on the <br />signature form. I <br />Effective date, The effective date of this Agreement Is the earliest effective dale of any Enrollment entered <br />Into under this Agreement or the date Microsoft accepts tills Agreement, whichever is earlier. <br />This Agreement consists of (1) these Agrealpent terms and conditions, Including any amendments and the <br />signature form and all attachments klentified thoreln, (2) the Product Terms applicable to Products licensed <br />under this Agreement, (a) the online services Terme, (4) anyAlflliafe Enrollment entered Into under this <br />Agreement, and (6) any order submitted under this Agreement. <br />Marine note: Documents referenced In this Al greemant but not attached to file signature form may be found <br />at ill/lvrrvwmicrosof(cornlhcanaJ,Ukari and are incorporated In this Agreement by reference, <br />Including tine Product Terns and use flights. 'these documents may contain additional terms and <br />conditions for Products licensed under this Agreement and may be changed from time to time. Customer <br />should review each documents carefully, both al the thno of signing and periodically thereafter, and fully <br />understand all tellns and conditions applicable to Products licensed. <br />Terrns and Conditions <br />1, Definitions. <br />"Affiliate" means <br />a. with regard to Customer, <br />(1) ally government agency, depadmanl, office, instrumentality, division, unft or other onllty of <br />the state or local govemrio)t that Is supervised by or In'parl of Customer. or which <br />supervises Customer or of which Customer is a part, or which is under common supervision <br />with Customer; <br />(11) any county, borough, comn'smweallh, city, municipality, town, township, special purpose , <br />district, or other similar hype of governmental Instrumentality established by the laws of <br />Customer's stale and located within Customer's state jurisdiction and geographic <br />boundaries; and <br />()fit filly other entity In Custolnne'r's state expressly authorized by the laws of Customer's state <br />to purchase under state contracts; provided that a stale and Ifs Affiliates shall not, for <br />purposes of [his definition, he considered to be Affiliates of the federal govemmonl and Its <br />Affiliates; and <br />b, with regard (o Microsoft, any legal artily that Microsoft owns, tile( owns Microsoft, or that Is <br />under common ownership With Microsoft. <br />"Cuslonner' means the legal entity that has entered into fills Agreement with Miorosoft. <br />"Customer Data" means all data, including all text. sound, software, Innage, or video files that are provided <br />to Microsoft by, or on behalf of. an Enrolled Wliale and Its Affiliates through use of Online Services. <br />"(Jay" means a calendar day, except for references that specify "business day" <br />"Enrolled Affiliate." means All onilly, either Customer or ally One of Customer's Affiliates lital has entered <br />Into an Enrollment under this A,ryreement. <br />I;Rlnlr�{P(t15(ALO(Hnlc3}(rluv'te le} Pags I or I I <br />UnGlantlnl x20•Ie20c <br />