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operating division Of Enrolled Affiliate or an Affiliate, '(u) a reatoanizatlon, or (0) a <br />consolidation, ) <br />Upon such transfer, Cuslonlor'or Enrolled Affiliate must uninstall and discontinue using the <br />licensed product and render any copies unusable. <br />b. Notification of I.1conso "I'llefor. EnralleU A(Illlale rmual nnflty Microsoh era License transfer <br />by completing a Iicenso� transfer form, whist) can be obtained from <br />n4tn'Rw'a"r+mirraga((,r,<gndlpgns)nrdroidrnri and sending lire completed form to Microsoft <br />before the Llcanse transfer, No Llconso lransfarwill be valid unless Enrolled Affiliate provides <br />to the transferee, and file transferee accepts In writing, documents surficieril to enable the <br />transferee to ascertain the scop','% purpose and limitations of file rights granter) by Microsoff <br />under the licenses being transferred (tncludingthe applicable Use Rights, site and Iransfe <br />restrictions, warranties end timilations of liability), Any License IransfernoCniada in compliance <br />with this section will be void, I <br />a. Internal Assignment of Licenses and Software Assurance, Licenses and Boflware <br />Assurance must ie assigned to a single user or device within the Enterprise. Llcensos and <br />Software Assurance may be re�sslgned within the Enlerprise as described In the Use Rights, <br />6, Tern» and termination. <br />A. Tarn.ThafanmofihisAgresmdntwlllba79fullcalendarmonfhsfromtheoffectivecialeunless <br />terminated by either party as described below. Each Frimilmont will have the term provided In <br />that Enrollment, <br />b. l'ormlriaffonwiutnutcauss. Either party maytorminalethisAgreement, without cause, upon <br />00 days' Wrillen notice, In the OWN of termination, new Enrollments will not be accepted, bill <br />any existing Enrollment will continue for the term of such Enrollment and will continue to be <br />governed by this Agreement, <br />a, rVild-tarn termination for non-upproprintion of Funds. Enrolled Atfillale may terminate this <br />Agreement or an Enrollment without liability, penally or further Obligation to malts pa+pmonts if <br />funds to make payments under the Agreement or Enrollment are not appropriated Or allocated <br />by the Enrolled Affiliate for such purpose. <br />d. Termination for cause, Without limiting any other remedies 11 may have, either party may <br />terminate an Enrollmanl if the other party materially breaches its obligations under this <br />Agreement, including (any obllgattlontoSubmit orders orpay Invoices, Except where the breach <br />Is by Its nature not curable within $0 days, file torminatfag party must give the other party 30 <br />days' nelico of Its Intent to terminate and an opportunity to cure the breaah. <br />If Microsoft gives sucfl notice to an Enrolled Affiliate, Microsoft also will give Customer a copy <br />of that notice and Customer a6hies to help resolve the breach. If (he breach affects other <br />Enrollments and cannot be resolved between Microsoft and Enrolled Affiliale, together with <br />Customer's help, Within a reasonable period Of time, Microsoft may terminate this Agreement <br />and all Enrollmants under it. If urn Enrolled Affiliate ceasas to be Custamor ri Affiliate, it mast <br />promptly notify Microsoft, and Microsoft mey lenhinale the former, Affiliate's Fnmll menL If an <br />Enrolled Affiliate fenninatas Its Enrollment as a result of a breach by Microsoft, at if Microsoft <br />terminates an Enrollment because Enrolled Affiliate causes to be Customer's Affiliate, then <br />Enrolled Afflllato will have the aarly termination rights described In the Enrollment. <br />e, Enly termination. If (1) an Enrolled Affiliate tenntnales Its Enrollment as a resull of a breach <br />by Microsoft, or (2) if Microsoft terminates an Enrollment because the Enrolled Affiliate has <br />ceased to be an Affiliate of Customer, or (3) Enrolled Affiliate terminates an Enrollment for non., <br />appropriation or funds, or (41 Microsoft terminates an Enrollment for non-payment due to non- <br />apprapriatlon of funds, then the Enrolled Affiliate will have the following options: <br />(1) It may Immediately pay the fatal remaining amount dLie, including all hlsolirr ants, In vthlch <br />ease, the Enrolled Affiliate i III have perpetual rights for all Licenses It has ordered; or <br />FA20 l anpnU'1)nL0p:NG)(hlov'Gei c) r <br />I Finn A Or t i <br />r n0lAritlnnl xT.ng02/19 <br />I <br />