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(d) 11 may pay only amounts duo as of the (enninallon dale, In which case the Enrolled Affiliate <br />will have perpoloal Liccnsos for: <br />1) all copies of Products (Including Ilia lalesl version of products ordered tinder SA <br />coverage in his current [arm) for which payment has boon made (it full, and <br />2) Ilia number of copies of Products II has Ordered (including the latest version of <br />Products ordered under Software Assurance coverage In current farm) Diet is <br />proportional to the total of Installment payments pnld vorsus (eta[ amounts due (paid <br />and payable) If the early termination had not occurred. <br />(ill) In the case of early lermhiation under subscription Enrollments, Enrolled Affiliate will have <br />the following options; I <br />1) Fat eligible Products, Enrolled Affiliate may obtain perpetual Licenses as described In <br />Ilia section of hie Enrollment titled "Stlymut op(lon," provided that Microsoft receives <br />the buy-oul order for there Ltcensas vvlthin 60 days after Enrolled Affiliate provides <br />notice of termination. <br />2) In Iha evert Of a breach by Microsoft, It Customer chaosss not to exercise a buy-out <br />Option, Microsoft will Issue Enrolled Affilaile a credit for any amount paid in advance <br />for Subscription Licenses trial the Enterprise will not be able to use to do the <br />torminalion of the Cnrolitnenl. <br />I <br />Nothing In this section shell affect perpetual License rtghis acquitted either in a separate <br />agreement. at In a rectal term or the lerininated Enrollment, <br />f. Effect of termination or exph•ailon, Where an Enrollment expires or Is terminated, <br />(1) Enrolled Affiliate must order Licenses for all copies of Products it has rum for which it has <br />not previously submttled an order. Any and all unpaid payments for any order of any Idnd <br />rernain title and payable, Except as provided In the subsoe(lon tided"Early tomninaflon," all <br />unpaid payments for Lioonsas Immediately baaame duo and payable, <br />(II) Enrollad Affiliate's right to Software Assurance beneflls under this Agreement ends if It <br />does not renew Software Assurance. <br />g. Modification or terminatfon of nn Online Service for regulatory reasons. Microsoft may, <br />modify at' larminate an Online; Service where there Is any current of ivalre govemmont <br />requirement or obligation that: III) subiools Microsoft to arty regulation or requirement not <br />generally appiictlble to businesses operating In the )urisdictlon; (2) presents a hardship for <br />Microsoft to continue operating" the Online Service without modification; andfor (3) causes <br />Microsofl to believe these, terms or the Online Service may conflict with any such requirement <br />or obligation. <br />I <br />It. Program updates, M(arosofl n)ay make changes to this program that will malo it necessary <br />for Customer and its Enrolled A41nales to enter Into new agreements and Enrollments at ilia <br />time of an Enrollment renewal. , <br />7. Use, owtrership, rlights, Ad restrictions, <br />a. Products. Unless otherwise specified In a supplemental agreement, use of any Product Is <br />governed by the Use flights specific to each Product and version and by the terms of the <br />applicable supplemental agreelrianL <br />b. Fixes, Each Fix is licensed under the same terms as tine Product to which it applies. If a Fix is <br />no( providod for a specific. Product, any use rights Microsoft provides with the Fix will apply. <br />c. Nar•Microsofl aoftwau•a Holt (oahnology. Enrolled Affiliate is solely responsible for any non - <br />Microsoft software ar technology prat It installs or uses with the Procklcls or Fixes. <br />1 <br />i <br />CARE) Itl taipr8)31.3tGNGI(NovYe10) Flue or It <br />I norumonf X2a+IUPUP <br />