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law rogardIng Ilia collection, use, h'ansior, retention, and other processing of personal data <br />from the Europaarl Economic Aria and %Ylnadand, <br />o, U,S. oxporl, Products and I,Ixeis are subject to U,S, oxpori )urisdlotion. rfirollod Affillato nttlst <br />comply with all applicable iniernallonal and national lawn, Including the US, Export <br />Administration Regulations ond' International Traffic In Alms Regulations, and and -user, end <br />use and destination restrictions Issued by U.S. and other governments related to MLrosofl <br />prodoots, services and technologies. <br />10, Warranties. <br />a. limited warranties and remedies. <br />(1) Software. Microsoft warrodts [hat each version of the 5olh2are vdil perform substantially <br />as described in the applicable Product documentation for one year from the date the <br />Enterprise Is first Ilcensedifor that version. If It does not and the Enterprise notifies <br />Microsoft within the warranty larm, than Microsoft will, at Its option (1) return the price <br />r-.nrolled Affiliate Paid for the Soflworo license, or (2) repair or replace the Software, <br />fit) Online Services, Microsoft warrants that each Online Service will perform In accordance <br />with [he appkobta SI.A during [lie Cnleflodge's use. The Enterprise's remedies for breach <br />of this warranty are in the SI..A, <br />The remedies above are the Enterprise's sole remedies for breach of Ilia warrantles in this <br />section. Customer waivas any breach of warranty claims not made during the warranty period. <br />b. Exclusions. The warranties hrihts agreement do not apply to problems caused by accident, <br />abuse, or use In a manner Inconsistent with this Agreement. Including failure to meet minimum <br />system requhemenis, These Iw0franties do not apply to free, trial, pro-rctaose, or beta <br />products, or to components of Products that Enrolled Affiliate is permitted to redistribute. <br />c. Disclaimer, Except for the fimited warranties above, Microsoft provides no other <br />warranties or conditions slid disclaims any other axPress, implied, or statutely <br />warranties, Including warranties of quality, this, non -Infringement, merchantability, and <br />fitness for a particular purpose. <br />11. Defense of third Marty claims. <br />The parties will defend each other against the third -party claims described In this section and will pay the <br />emoun( of any resulting adverse final judgment or approved settlement, but only If the defending party is <br />promptly notified In valdng of the claim and h'as the fight to control the defense and any settlement still The <br />porgy being defended must provide the defending party with all requested assistance. Information, and <br />nuthridly. The defending parry will rolmburae the other party for reasonable oul•of-poolrsi expensosit ineurs <br />in providing assistance. This section describes Ilia partias'sole retaedias and enthe liability for such cfainrns. <br />a. ay Microsoft. Mlcrosntt will defend Enrolled Affiliate against any third -party c4dm tothe extent <br />it alleges that a Product or Fix made available by Microsoft for a fee and usad within the scope <br />orthe license. granted (unmodified from the form provided by hlicrosefland not combined with <br />anything else) misappropriates a Irado secret or directly Infringes a patent, copyright, <br />tradema k or other proprietary right We third party. If Microsoft Is unable to resolve a raim of <br />Inf ligement under commercially reasonable terms, It may, at Its option, either (1) modify or <br />replace the Produc( or Fix with a functional equivalent; or (2) terminate Enrolled Affiliate's <br />license and refund any prepaid license ices (less depreciation on a five-year, straight-line <br />basis) for perpetual licenses add any amount Paid for Online Services for any usage period <br />after the term inallondata Microsoft will not be liable for any claims or damages due to Enrolled <br />Affiliate's continued use of a Product orFix after being notified to stop due to a third -party claim. <br />b, py Enrolled Affiliate, To Ilia e'xlonl permitted by applicable law, Carolled Affiliate will defend <br />Microsoft against any third -pasty claim to Ilia extent It alleges Ihal: ('1) any Customer Data or <br />I <br />[R261riA0r(US)a4Cilf-.PIG!(Nov201a) Page a or I <br />D4011manr x20:1020 <br />