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non -Microsoft software hosted In an Online Service by Microsoft on Enrolled Alflliate's behalf <br />misappropriates a trade secret or d'veclly Infringes a patent, copyright, trademark, or other <br />proprietary right of a third party; or (2) Enrolled Affiliate's use of any Product or Fix, alone or in <br />combination with anything else, vlolales the law or damages a third party. <br />r <br />12. Limitation of liability. <br />Paeach Product, each parly's maximum, aggregate liability to the other under this Agreement is Omiled <br />to direct damages finally awarded in an amount not to exceed the amounts Enrolled Affiliate was required <br />to pay for the applicable Products during the tern or this Agreement, subject to the following: <br />a. Online Services. Per Online Services, Microsoft's maximum liability to Enrolled Affiliate for <br />any incident giving rise to a clalm will not exceed the amount Enrolled Affiliate paid for the <br />Online Service during the 12 months before the incident. <br />b. Free Products and Distrlbutalile Code. For Products provided free of charge and code <br />that Enrolled Affiliate is authorized to redistribute to third parties without separate payment to <br />Microsoft, Microsoft's liability is limited to direct damages finally awarded up to USS5,000. <br />c. Exciuslons. In no event will either party be liable for indirect, Incidental, special, punitive, or <br />rouse piential damages, or for loss of use, loss or business Information, loss of revenue, or <br />interruption of business, however caused or on any theory of liability. <br />d. Exceptions. No limitation or exclusions wdl apply to liability arising out of either partj s (1) <br />confidentiality obligations (except for all liability related to Customer Data, which will remain <br />sub)ecl to ilia 16nllations and exclusions above); (2) defense obligations; or (3) violation or the <br />other parys• Intellectual property rights. <br />13. Verifying compliance. <br />a. Right to verify compliance. Enrolled Affiliate must keep records relating to all use and <br />distribution of Products by Enrdlled Affiliate and its Affiliates. Microsoft has the right, at Its <br />expense, to the extent permitted by applicable law• to verify compliance with the Product's <br />license terms.' Enrolled Affiliate-riusl promptly provideIliaIndependent auditor with any <br />Information the auditor reasonably requests in furtherance of the verification, Including access <br />to systems' running the Products and evidence of Licenses for -Products; Enrolled Affiliate hosts, <br />suhlicenses, or disldbules Id third parties. Enrolled Affiliate agrees to complete Microsofl't*, <br />self -audit process, which Microsr oft may require as an alternative to a third party audit. <br />h. Remedies for non-compliance. If verification or self -audit reveals any unlirensed use or <br />distribution• then within 30 days', (1) Enrolled Affiliate must order sulfcienl Licenses to cover <br />Ilia[ use or distribution, and (2) if unlicensed use or distribution is 5% or more, Enrolled Affiliate <br />must reimburse Microsoft for the cost Microsoft has incurred in verification and acquire the <br />necessary additional licenses at 125% of the price based on the then -current price list and <br />Enrolled Affiliate price level. The unlicensed use percentage Is based on the total number of <br />licenses purchased compared Id actual Install base. If there is no unlicensed use, Microsoft will <br />not subject Enrolled Affiliate tolanother verification for at least one year. By exercising the <br />rights and procedures described above, Microsoft does not waive its rights to enforce this <br />Agreement or to protect its intellectual properly by any other means permitted by law. <br />c. Verification process. Microsoft will nobly Enrolled Affiliate at least 30 days In advance of its <br />intent to verify Enrolled Affiliates compliance with the license terms for the Products Enrolled <br />Affiliate and Its Affiliates use or distribute. Microsoft will engage an independent auditor• which <br />will be subject to a confidentiality obligation. Any Information collected in the self -audit will be <br />used solely for purposes of determining compliance. This verification will lake place during <br />normal business hours and in a manner that does not interfere unreasonably Willi Enrolled <br />Affiliate's operalinns. <br />EA'LII 1eAy1 (US)SLn(eN(i)(1,100016) Pa0q 9 nr I I <br />9ccuinenl x7.0- I Von <br />