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Grant Agreement No. 4600011889 <br />Page 15 of 32 <br />PROGRAM ELEMENT 3: Project Development <br />This program element contains activities that, once complete, will provide important and needed changes to the IRWM <br />Plan forthe Santa Ana Funding Region, will support the next steps of existing IRWM projects that benefit overburdened <br />communities, and daylight and develop new water project concepts that meet the stated needs of community members. <br />These outcomes will represent a strengthened understanding by the RWMG of community needs, and ensure that future <br />implementation/construction funding and activities are directed to meeting the needs identified by members of <br />overburdened communities. <br />Activity 18 Technical Assistance for Community Needs <br />During engagement efforts the program team will learn of projects, plans and programs. Following evaluation of these <br />projects, plans and programs, an appropriate set will receive Technical Assistance (TA) including but not limited to project <br />engineering services, curriculum development, translation services, and program support. The evaluation of the projects, <br />plans, and programs will follow a set of evaluation criteria to be developed by the DC] TAC. This effort may also link to the <br />State Water Resources Control Board's Technical Assistance Program, via the CSU DACC and CRWA which are both <br />statewide TA providers. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ A ranked list of projects, plans, and programs uncovered during the engagement process <br />❑ Project ranking criteria <br />❑ List of projects, plans and programs selected by the TAC to receive technical assistance <br />❑ Documentation of technical assistance efforts <br />❑ Copies of any materials produced during technical assistance <br />❑ Documentation of referrals to other TA programs <br />Activity 19 OWOW Plan Update 2018 <br />The Disadvantaged Community Involvement program information (or results) will be incorporated in the OWOW Plan. <br />This will include an update to Subchapter 5.11 Disadvantaged and Tribal Communities of the OWOW Plan and a general <br />update throughout in reference to disadvantaged community engagement best practices, maps, and other related <br />materials. This will be a complementary effort to the actions funded the related Proposition 1 IRWM Planning Grant. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Draft OWOW Plan Update 2018 <br />❑ Final OWOW Plan Update 2018 <br />Activity 20 CivicSpark Water Fellows <br />SAWPA will host two CivicSpark Water Action Fellows each of the three years of the program. The Fellows will support <br />program implementation at SAWPA, completing components of each of the Program Elements. Among their duties, the <br />Fellows will support the CSU interns with in-service training, mentorship, coordination, and cohort -building. <br />Deliverables: <br />❑ Roster of CivicSpark Water Fellows <br />❑ Logs of volunteer activities <br />❑ Volunteer engagement plan <br />0 Training agendas developed by Fellows <br />