Luke Ramirez, PE, LEED® AP, PMP
<br />HVAC/Plumbing
<br />Mr. Ramirez provides clients with a variety of heating, ventilation, and air
<br />conditioning (HVAC) and plumbing designs as well as lifecycle
<br />assessment of systems and products. His projects have included HVAC
<br />and plumbing designs for municipal, industrial, and commercial facilities;
<br />construction administration services for water and wastewater plants;
<br />Energy Audit Reports; quality assurance measurement for a utility
<br />provider in Colorado; pump replacement analyses and design for the U.S.
<br />Fish and Wildlife Service; and mechanical renovation of dorms at Misawa
<br />Airforce Base in Japan. In addition, he has designed petroleum systems
<br />for hatcheries and mines in Alaska, Colorado, and Nevada.
<br />Pyrite Canyon Treatment Facility, Riverside, CA. Mr. Ramirez
<br />designed plumbing and HVAC systems for the administration and
<br />maintenance buildings. System consists of VAV boxes with hot water
<br />hydronic heating coils in the administration building and split system air
<br />handler in the maintenance building. System also includes hazardous
<br />vapor mitigation system in both buildings.
<br />Education:
<br />B.S., Mechanical Engineering,
<br />University of Washington, 2006
<br />Registrations/Certifications:
<br />Professional Mechanical
<br />Engineer, California, No. 36190
<br />2012
<br />LEED® Accredited Professional,
<br />2006
<br />Professional Affiliations:
<br />American Society of Heating,
<br />Refrigerating, and Air
<br />Conditioning Engineers
<br />Office Location:
<br />Denver, CO
<br />Years of Experience:
<br />13
<br />Years with Tetra Tech:
<br />13
<br />Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA. Tetra Tech designed the LEED® gold certified C-5 squadron operations
<br />and aircraft maintenance facility. Mr. Ramirez was responsible for plumbing and HVAC systems designs.
<br />Beaumont Water Treatment Plant (WTP), Beaumont, CA. Mechanical Engineer— Tetra Tech is designing a
<br />WTP for Lockheed Martin to treat chlorinated solvents, perchlorate, and other contaminants. Mr. Ramirez is
<br />responsible for HVAC and plumbing designs.
<br />King County, North Mercer Pump Station. Mechanical Engineer —Tetra Tech provided alternatives
<br />evaluation, predesign, and future phases of final design and construction support services for the improvement
<br />of this major conveyance system between Mercer Island and Bellevue Washington. Projected peak flows for this
<br />regional facility are 16 MGD. Existing facilities consist of a pump station and 17,000 feet of force main, gravity
<br />sewers both on -land and in -water and two inverted siphons, one of which will be installed by trenchless
<br />methods.
<br />Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Avon, CO; Avon Drinking Water Facilities, Space Needs
<br />Assessment and Feasibility Study. Mechanical Engineer — Mr. Ramirez provided HVAC and Plumbing
<br />assessments on this study to determine the amount of administrative and support space required at the Avon
<br />Drinking Water Facility (ADWF). The study evaluated space requirements for administration, maintenance, and
<br />operations staff at the ADWF, as well as civil/site, structural, HVAC, electrical, and security needs. As the
<br />mechanical lead, Mr. Ramirez participated in a series of workshops to identify needs, develop and analyze
<br />alternatives, and make recommendations for moving to more detailed design.
<br />Confidential Client, Advanced Oxidation Process. Mechanical Engineer —Tetra Tech is designing the
<br />addition of an Advanced Oxidation Process treatment system for a coal mine water treatment plant for a
<br />confidential client. Mr. Ramirez is responsible for HVAC and plumbing designs, which consist of a direct fired
<br />natural gas heating and ventilation unit for the plant and a split system AC unit for the electrical room. Plumbing
<br />designs include a non -potable water booster pump system for plant wash down.
<br />Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery Pumping System Upgrade Evaluation and Recommendation,
<br />Underwood, WA. Mr. Ramirez evaluated the current conditions of 14 pumps at the hatchery ranging in size
<br />from 30 to 150 horsepower. Made replacement recommendations based on life cycle cost and annual energy
<br />savings.
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