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EXHIBIT A <br />JOB DESCRIPTION <br />GRANT PROJECT & FISCAL COORDINATOR <br />Anaheim/ Santa Ana UASI Grant Office <br />� � � <br />� GpnllMipl/CartWllanl ' <br />tone-- Protect Monaist::UM: <br />._,r <br />Fnancvl&Audt kind <br />- <br />UASIW3 <br />Santa Ana Poi¢e Department <br />Reporting gaieionJ ips/SuporMvon <br />Reports to the VASI Grant COW Wnatd and administ21ar. Works M close COW ml1a110n With Project CoordrnatW; <br />SU"edpiena, Gly Finance, and the Califonna Wilke of Emergency Services. lalson to she UASI Wo ting Group <br />(UAW GI. UASI Steering Committee UAW G Sub{O mnrtlfsu, and Orange County Intelligence Asunment Center <br />(OdAQ Fusion Center. <br />gad, funds" <br />The Grant Project R Fscal Caardlnator plans, orgamies, manages, and diivds actvihea milled to project <br />management and lac rnanaal and Audit Umt. Enwro, successful integration of dl aspects of prygcu, mdudmg <br />laden", fin sishil, legal, and WhIrCut, to ensure that projects assigned stay M budget and he schedule. EMures <br />grant finances are in compliance, submits cash 3dvY1[e5(requpst[ m a llmefy manner, tracks eap r alures Ana <br />budgets, prOCetus suit recipient reimbursement RyYtils, and manages delalled reco ell eepng <br />Reapensibilitles <br />Is I�M�[ dl�di� <br />• Responsible for me management and aver.ghl as all osugned Project MtrV,lles induding but not limited <br />...._..,............�......, .... ....... rag, v�aunng compnance won on apfArade mlm end <br />regYlatons. managing hutlgets, nrnunng w'twpatitm of all regl0nal puMrc saMrr agemcizs, and rtgular <br />lrgortmg <br />• Pry review 0l project applications, ensuting Avtbon,e l Equipment Wit IMLI d a,lMa,e. <br />• Sulaaorls the cooranaton and implemen[alkn at the contracting process wch Request for propoml(Rrpl <br />development and create., revleW, and proceadng of agreement, <br />• Pastinpalm In grant aphicalwn and Mvessmant luRdlcaUons at regional, state and federal level. <br />• pravdes updates an pdiceft fat ut andjo, program Walsfiinitla"s. <br />• Provdes bireflngs to the UASI Working Group, UASI Steering Commissar, and UAWG Sul, Cgmmufan, <br />and OCAC Fusion Center <br />• Assists swth entry of equipment temi into NseUeck Inventory System. Compile neceaaary <br />documentation far Attuhmenl to each item In system. <br />• Rev," of required distumentaUon submitted by staff and sub -recipients to include Project apphcatwn; <br />EHP. C2IOU approval, (induding huh not limited to We Source, vehicle Approval, Emergency Opeml'aan <br />Center approvals, and A,raafV Watercraft Approval), quarterly reports, and protect budgets. <br />• RevieW a wb-frat rat training rempunemant requests, to outruns, all documentation has been <br />completed, all fequned bask up has Man submdted, an0 expenditures add up wn ecUy Contact suh <br />recipients in order to ask for clarification, Or request missing documeertanon as needed. Enter in all <br />outsak and internal iraimg3 requests Into Eater apt eadsheel lot repo.l'ng, tracking, ale reimbursement <br />purpOse, <br />• Ads asliarSon to OCIACfrvlon Center <br />#392280 <br />