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06 16 20 PWA_02_02 Exh2 - IS-MND
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06 16 20 PWA_02_02 Exh2 - IS-MND
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INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FAIRVIEw BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS w <br />MAY 2020 (9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET) PROJECT <br />J" <br />SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA <br />Construction. Construction of the proposed Project would require the use of energy to fuel <br />grading vehicles, trucks, and other construction vehicles. All or most of this energy would be <br />derived from nonrenewable resources. Construction activities are not anticipated to result in an <br />inefficient use of energy, as gasoline and diesel fuel would be supplied by construction <br />contractors who would conserve the use of their supplies to minimize their costs on the <br />proposed Project. Energy usage on the Project site during construction would be temporary in <br />nature and would be relatively small in comparison to the State's available energy sources. <br />Therefore, construction energy impacts would be less than significant. No mitigation is required. <br />Operation. Typically, energy consumption is associated with fuel used for vehicle trips and <br />natural gas and electricity use. Energy use consumed during operation of the proposed Project <br />would be associated with fuel used for vehicle trips and electricity consumption associated with <br />the proposed Project. Operation of the proposed Project would not require the consumption of <br />natural gas. <br />The purpose of the proposed Project is to reduce congestion and improve pedestrian and <br />bicyclist safety on Fairview Street between 9th Street and 16th Street, consistent with the <br />Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the City's General Plan Circulation <br />Element. Currently, the Fairview Street bridge is utilized by bicyclists and pedestrians to cross <br />over the Santa Ana River, but there are no existing sidewalks or bikeways on the bridge. As part <br />of the proposed Project, the Fairview Street bridge would be replaced with a new six -lane bridge <br />(three lanes in each direction), including a complete bridge deck with barrier rails, sidewalks, <br />bicycle lanes, a raised median, and lighting. These features would improve the safety of the area <br />for both motorized and nonmotorized travel. <br />Vehicles using the roadway would continue to consume energy. Because the Project would add <br />lane capacity to the Fairview Street bridge, some traffic currently using other routes would use <br />the widened Fairview Street bridge, which would increase VMT in the area, which could increase <br />fuel demand. On the other hand, the improved bridge may attract additional pedestrians and <br />bicyclists due to added sidewalks and bikeways, which would allow for a decreased dependence <br />on nonrenewable energy resources. In addition, non -vehicular energy use consumed by the <br />proposed Project would be associated with minimal electricity consumption associated with <br />lighting along the Project segment. Therefore, implementation of the proposed Project would <br />not result in a long-term substantial demand for electricity and natural gas, nor would the <br />Project require new service connections or construction of new off -site service lines or <br />substations to serve the Project. The nature of proposed improvements would not require <br />substantial amounts of energy for either construction or maintenance purposes. Therefore, the <br />proposed Project would not use nonrenewable resources in a wasteful or inefficient manner. <br />Therefore, operational energy impacts would be less than significant. No mitigation is required. <br />b. Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency? <br />Less Than Significant Impact. As indicated above, energy usage in the Project area during <br />construction would be temporary in nature. In addition, energy usage associated with operation of <br />the proposed Project would be relatively small in comparison to the State's available energy <br />sources, and energy impacts would be negligible at the regional level. Because California's energy <br />R:\WKE1702\ISMND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.docx (05/26/20) 3-35 <br />
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