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City of Santa Ana <br /> Grant Agreement No. 19-098 <br /> Page 6 <br /> form, which shall be submitted no more frequently than monthly but no less frequently than <br /> quarterly. The Conservancy shall disburse the five percent withheld upon the grantee's <br /> satisfactory completion of construction and compliance with the"PROJECT COMPLETION" <br /> section, below, and upon the Conservancy's acceptance of the project. <br /> The Conservancy will reimburse the grantee for expenses'necessary to the project when <br /> documented by appropriate receipts. The Conservancy will reimburse travel and related <br /> expenses at actual costs not to exceed the rates provided in Title 2, Division 1, Chapter 3, <br /> Subchapter 1, Article 2 of the California Code of Regulations ("CCR"),except that <br /> reimbursement may be in excess of these rates upon documentation that these rates are not <br /> reasonably available to the grantee. Reimbursement for the cost of operating a private vehicle <br /> shall not, under any circumstance, exceed the current rate specified by the State of California for <br /> unrepresented state employees as of the date the cost is incurred. The Conservancy will <br /> reimburse the grantee for other necessary expenses if those expenses are reasonable in nature and <br /> amount taking into account the nature of the project,its location, and other relevant factors. <br /> The grantee shall request disbursements by filing with the Conservancy a fully executed <br /> "Request for Disbursement"form (available from the Conservancy). The grantee shall include <br /> in the form its name and address,the number of this agreement,the date of the submission,the <br /> amount of the invoice,the period during which the work was actually done, and an itemized <br /> description, including time, materials, and expenses incurred of all work done for which <br /> disbursement is requested. Hourly rates billed to the Conservancy, and specified in the approved <br /> work program budget shall be equal to the actual compensation paid by grantee to employees, <br /> which may include employee benefits. The form shall also indicate cumulative expenditures to <br /> date,expenditures during the reporting period, and the unexpended balance of funds under the <br /> grant agreement. <br /> An authorized representative of the grantee shall sign the forms. Each form shall be <br /> accompanied by: <br /> 1. All receipts and any other source documents for direct expenditures and costs that the grantee <br /> has incurred. <br /> 2. Invoices from contractors that the grantee engaged to complete any portion of the work <br /> funded under this agreement and any receipts and any other source documents for costs <br /> incurred and expenditures by any such contractor,unless the Executive Officer makes a <br /> specific exemption in writing. <br /> 3. A supporting progress report summarizing the current status of the project and comparing it <br /> to the status required by the work program (budget,timeline,tasks, etc.)including written <br /> substantiation of completion of the portion of the project for which the grantee is requesting <br /> disbursement. <br />