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Exhibit 2 <br />Grant Agreement - means an arrangement between the State and Grantee specifying the <br />payment of funds by the State for the performance of specific project objectives within a specific <br />project performance period by the Grantee. <br />Grantee - means an applicant that has an agreement for grant funding with the State. <br />Grants Administrator - means an employee of the State who manages the grants. <br />In -Kind - means non -cash donations, from governmental or private sources, and includes <br />volunteers, materials and services. <br />Interpretation - includes, but is not limited to, a visitor -serving amenity that enhances the ability <br />to understand and appreciate the significance and value of natural, historical and cultural <br />resources and that may utilize educational materials in multiple languages, digital information, <br />and the expertise of a naturalist or other skilled specialist. <br />Land Tenure/Site Control - means the applicant owns the project land or has other legal long- <br />term interest with the landowner that is satisfactory to the State. <br />Local Agency - means any political subdivision of the State of California, including, but not limited <br />to, any county, city, city and county, district, joint powers authority, local community conservation <br />corps agency, or council of governments. <br />Low Income Community — means a community with an annual median household income <br />less than 80 percent of the statewide average (see Appendix M: Community FactFinder or <br />Department of Water Resources Disadvantaged Communities Mapping Tool). <br />NAGPRA — means The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act that provides a <br />process to return certain cultural Native American items — human remains, funerary objects, <br />sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony — to lineal descendants, and cultural affiliated <br />Indian tribe and Native Hawaiian organizations. <br />Natural Resource - means materials or substances such as minerals, plants, water, animals and <br />fertile land that occur in nature. <br />NEPA - means The National Environmental Policy Act that establishes national environmental <br />policy and goals for the protection, maintenance, and enhancement of the environment and <br />provides a process for implementing these goals within federal agencies. <br />Nonprofit Organization - means a nonprofit corporation qualified to do business in California, <br />and qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and incorporated for a <br />minimum of two (2) years. <br />Other Sources of Funds - means cash or in -kind contributions that are required or used to <br />complete the project beyond the grant funds provided by the Youth Community Access Grant <br />Program. <br />Overhead costs — non -project specific costs of doing business that are not directly related to <br />the implementation of the project to be funded (for example, rent, computers, telephones, office <br />55b-50 <br />