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Exhibit 2 <br />supplies, internet access, copy machines, electricity). Certain types of overhead are not allowed <br />including, fundraising, lobbying and entertainment. Any cost that is billed as a direct cost may <br />NOT be included in overhead. <br />Plant Palette — means a recommended list of plants (shrubs, trees, etc.) which are appropriate <br />and sustainable for a given jurisdiction and/or environment, considering economic, <br />environmental, and social factors such as rainfall, terrain, soil, maintenance requirements, <br />appearance, desired function and public use. <br />Program - means a planned, coordinated group of activities or procedures, often with a common <br />goal. <br />Project - means the vehicle acquisition, programming, or capital development activity to be <br />accomplished with grant funds, and other funds if necessary, that meets eligibility requirements. <br />Project Performance Period - refers to the beginning and ending dates of the grant agreement. <br />Eligible costs incurred during this period may be funded from the grant. <br />Project Scope - means the description or activity of work to be accomplished by the project. <br />Public Access - means the ability of members of the public to use or benefit from a capital project <br />or program. <br />Public Agency - means any State of California department or agency, a county, city, public <br />district or public agency formed under California law. <br />Secretary - means the Secretary for Natural Resources or his/her representative. <br />State - means a political subdivision of the State of California. <br />Tasks - means itemized steps that are necessary to fulfill the proposed project. <br />Underserved Community - means a community of color and vulnerable populations. <br />Communities of color are American Indian/Alaskan Native, African American, Asian -Pacific <br />Islander, and Latinx. Vulnerable populations are foster and transition age youth, youth with <br />disabilities, LGBTQIA youth, youth involved in the juvenile and criminal justice system and other <br />youth populations disproportionately affected by past state and federal drug policies. <br />Youth - means a person between the ages of birth and 26 years old. <br />END OF GUIDELINES <br />55Y3-51 <br />