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Once a new version is available, you shall have 6 months to update your software. After that time, <br />SmartWorks will charge you at the standard services rate for any support related activities performed by <br />SmartWorks in addition to the support fees you are already paying. <br />Further, SmartWorks will not provide any support services for customers on a version that is more than one (1) <br />version olderthan the current version. <br />BILLABLE SUPPORT SERVICES <br />The services listed below are services that are out of scope of your support and maintenance agreement <br />and are therefore considered billable services. <br />• Provision of remote or on -site training on subjects of broad scope <br />• New interfaces or connections to non-SmartWorks (or third party) applications <br />• Creation of test instances <br />• Custom modifications (e.g. rules, reports, new data, etc.) <br />• Data conversions and global modification to setup table data <br />• Database maintenance, repairs and optimization, refreshes, backups, restores <br />• Extended Hardware and Operating System support <br />• Upgrades and support of third party software (e.g. database software, OS, web server, etc.) <br />• Installations and/or re -installations of software solution <br />• Support for rules, reports, database procedures, or screens developed by, or modified by, the Organization <br />• Cleansing or re -processing of data originating from a third party system (e.g. AMI, CIS, etc.) <br />Note: If customer purchases a billable service with a maintenance fee such as the ones listed above, the <br />Organization is responsible for supporting these items. <br />Test Databases and Environments <br />We support customers in the maintenance of independent Test Environments for testing purposes. This <br />allows customers the opportunity to test fixes, modifications, new business processes and/or scenarios <br />without risking any potentially unwanted changes to the live environment. The creation of Test Databases <br />and Environments is a billable service; quotations and incremental maintenance rates will be provided on <br />request. <br />OPERATIONS <br />Hours <br />Ourstandard hours of support are from 8:00 a.m. ESTto 8:00 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday, excluding <br />designated statutory holidays. Weekend assistance is available, but must be scheduled in advance, and in <br />most cases is billable. <br />Holiday Schedule <br />Below is a listing of statutory holidays. Please note that support services will be closed on designated <br />days as outlined below. <br />New Year's Eve I Early Closure (noon EST) <br />