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Contracts / Agreements
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Last modified
12/7/2020 11:27:01 AM
Creation date
12/7/2020 11:25:47 AM
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Public Works
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granted herein are reserved by SmartWorks. Customer may not obscure, remove or otherwise alter any copyright, <br />trademark or other proprietary notices from the Software, the Documentation, Third Party Software and related <br />material supplied by SmartWorks. Customer shall report to SmartWorks any infringement or misappropriation of <br />SmartWorks Intellectual Property Rights or other rights in the Software or the Documentation of which Customer <br />becomes aware. Customer hereby grants to SmartWorks a royalty -free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual license <br />to use and incorporate into the Software, and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, recommendations <br />or other feedback provided by Customer relating to the Software. <br />(b) In order to assist SmartWorks with the protection of its proprietary information and Confidential Information <br />and to enable SmartWorks to ensure that the Customer is complying with its obligations, during the Term and for <br />a period of two (2) years thereafter, Customer shall permit Harris, upon reasonable notice, but in no event less <br />than 15 business days, to visit during normal business hours any premises at which the Software is used or <br />installed and shall provide SmartWorks with access to its Software. Such audit shall be at SmartWorks' expense, <br />however, in the event that the audit reveals that Customer is in violation of the usage terms of this Agreement, <br />Customer shall reimburse SmartWorks for such expenses and promptly pay any additional License Fees and <br />Maintenance and Support Fees not properly licensed or paid, such fees will be invoiced at SmartWorks' then <br />current rate. However, in the event that the audit reveals that the Customer is in full compliance of the usage <br />terms of this agreement, SmartWorks shall reimburse the Customer for its reasonably incurred expenses. <br />6. Required Programs and Hardware <br />(a) Customer acknowledges that the use of the Software shall require that Customer obtain and install <br />additional required minimum third -party software programs as set out in the Documentation and modified from <br />time to time by SmartWorks (the "Required Programs"). Customer agrees that the purchase of the Required <br />Programs shall be at Customer's sole cost and that the cost thereof is not included in the fees herein, including <br />for any future updates about which Customer is provided with commercially reasonable advance notice. <br />(b) Customer acknowledges that the use of the Software requires that Customer have, at a minimum, <br />hardware necessary to run SmartWorks programs as set out in the Documentation and modified from time to time <br />by SmartWorks (the "Required Hardware"). <br />Third Party Software <br />(a) In the event that SmartWorks shall distribute to Customer any Third Party Software, Customer shall pay <br />to SmartWorks in full in advance the license fees listed on the SmartWorks website at for <br />the Third Party Software. Such license fees are exclusive of taxes. Customer agrees to pay all foreign, federal, <br />state, provincial, county or local income taxes, value added taxes, use, personal, property sales and any other <br />taxes, tariff, duty or similar charges that may be levied by a taxing authority (excluding taxes on SmartWorks' net <br />income). It is acknowledged by the parties that in the event that any Third Party Software is provided by <br />SmartWorks to Customer pursuant to this Agreement, such Third Party Software shall be distributed to Customer <br />by SmartWorks subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement for such Third Party <br />Software to be entered into directly between Customer and the owner/licensor of such Third Party Software. <br />SmartWorks makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the Third Party Software, including, without <br />limitation, their merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and SmartWorks accepts no liability of any kind <br />whatsoever with respect to the Third Party Software. Any warranty Customer has with respect to the Third Party <br />Software shall be solely provided by the Third Party Software licensor except where this Agreement may expressly <br />state otherwise. Customer shall be responsible for the installation of any Third Party Software unless otherwise <br />agreed by SmartWorks in writing. <br />8. Maintenance and Support Services <br />Subject to the payment of the Maintenance and Support Fees, Maintenance and Support Services will be provided <br />by SmartWorks in accordance with the Standard Maintenance and Support Services Terms for SmartWorks <br />Products set forth in Schedule "B". <br />9. Confidential Information. <br />Customer agrees: <br />
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