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(1) to keep confidential any and all Confidential Information with respect to SmartWorks which it has received or <br />may in the future receive in connection with this Agreement and to take all reasonable steps, which shall be <br />no less than those steps it takes to protect its own confidential and proprietary information, to protect the <br />Confidential Information of SmartWorks from unauthorized use, disclosure, copying or publication; <br />(ii) not to use the Confidential Information of SmartWorks other than in the course of exercising its rights or <br />performing its obligations under this Agreement; <br />(iii) not to disclose or release such Confidential Information except to the extent required by applicable law or <br />during the course of or in connection with any litigation, arbitration or other proceeding based upon or in <br />connection with the subject matter of this Agreement, provided that Customer shall first give reasonable notice <br />to SmartWorks prior to such disclosure so that it may obtain a protective order or equivalent and provided that <br />the Customer shall comply with any such protective order or equivalent; <br />(iv) not to disclose or release such Confidential Information to any third person without the prior written consent <br />of SmartWorks, except for authorized employees or agents of Customer who have a need to know such <br />information for the purpose of performance under this Agreement and exercising its rights under this <br />Agreement, and who are bound by confidentiality obligations at least as protective of SmartWorks' <br />Confidential Information as this Agreement; and <br />(v) to take such actions as may be reasonably necessary to enforce its agreements with its employees and <br />agents, including commencing legal proceedings. <br />10. Warranty <br />(a) Limited Warranty. SmartWorks warrants to Customer that as long as Customer has paid all Maintenance <br />and Support Fees to obtain Maintenance and Support Services, the Software will perform substantially in <br />accordance with the Documentation when properly used and in the manner specifically contemplated by the <br />Documentation, the terms of this Agreement and where Customer has installed the Required Programs and on <br />the Required Hardware. In the event the Software does not substantially conform to the Documentation, <br />Customer promptly notifies SmartWorks of the nature of the failure and such additional information regarding the <br />failure as SmartWorks may reasonably request and the error can be reproduced by SmartWorks, SmartWorks <br />shall make commercially reasonable efforts to provide a suitable workaround, repair or replace the non -conforming <br />Software in accordance with the Maintenance and Support Services. The foregoing shall be Customer's sole and <br />exclusive remedy for breach of the exclusive warranty in this Section 10(a). <br />(b) Exclusions to SmartWorks Warranty. SmartWorks shall not be liable for any breach of the foregoing <br />warranties which results from causes beyond the reasonable control of SmartWorks, including but not limited to: <br />(1) Where the installation, integration, modification or enhancement of the Software has not been carried out by <br />SmartWorks or its authorized agent, or where Customer has taken any action which is expressly prohibited <br />by the Documentation or this Agreement; <br />(ii) Any combination of the Software with any software, equipment or services not supplied, recommended or <br />authorized by or on behalf of SmartWorks other than the Required Programs and Required Hardware; <br />(iii) Use of the Software on any system that (i) does not meet any of the Required Programs and Required <br />Hardware requirements set out in Section 6 or (ii) exceeds the Maximum Meters or Maximum Channels. <br />(iv) User error, or other use of the Software in a manner for which it was not intended or other than as permitted <br />in this Agreement; <br />(v) Customer's failure to install a new Update which has been released to remedy an error or bug, and which <br />SmartWorks has stated to Customer is a required Update necessary for security purposes or for legislative <br />compliance purposes or other reasons as SmartWorks may determine is important in its sole discretion; <br />(vi) SmartWorks personnel are not given full, free and safe access to the facility where the Software is installed <br />during attempts to remedy an error; <br />