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vo <br />Iry 011, <br />�� �1 I, II <br />Y„!�o-�/��11, �'�l�o�. PI �l� �I� ��U11� ',�`I'k,N,7f 7� Ilf S <br />Within fifteen (15) consecutive business days of receipt of the Change Order Form, Customer shall either: <br />• Accept the proposed change by signing the Change Order Form, or <br />• Reject the proposed change and inform SmartWorks Project Manager via email. <br />If SmartWorks is advised not to perform the change, or in the absence of Customer acceptance or rejection <br />within fifteen (15) days, then SmartWorks: <br />• Will not perform the proposed change and will proceed only with the original services <br />• May create a new Change Request to accommodate the expenses incurred during the <br />discussion of the proposed change. This may happen only in cases where: <br />- Customer takes longer than fifteen (15) days to reach the decision, or does not <br />reach a decision, and <br />- Overall project timeline, budget or scope are affected. <br />Risk Management planning is an important part of project management and a core component of the <br />SmartWorks Project Implementation Methodology. Risk Management planning is about defining the <br />process of how to engage and oversee risk management activities for a project. Having a viable plan on <br />how to manage risk allows one to mitigate risk versus attempting to decide in the midst how to handle a <br />risk. The earlier Risk Management planning is engaged within the project increases the probability of <br />success of risk mitigation activities. Risk Management planning will be initiated at the start of the <br />project by having the initial discussion with Customer prior to, or during the Project Kick Off Meeting. <br />Risks can be raised by any project stakeholder, including Entire Project Team members, Customer, third - <br />party integrators, or vendors during the project. <br />Risks will be entered on the Risk Log and categorized by type and priority. The SmartWorks Project <br />Manager will investigate the risk and, if necessary, will update the Risk Log with background information <br />to place the risk in perspective. <br />At a minimum, the following information will be captured and tracked for all risks: <br />• RISK ID — each risk should have a unique ID <br />• TITLE — short description of the risk (usually a few words or a sentence, helpful when <br />reporting risks) <br />• DESCRIPTION —complete description of the risk, the more details the better <br />• IMPACT — impact to the project and/or business in terms of money, time, and/or <br />quality <br />• PROBABILITY— indicate the probability of the risk <br />• SEVERITY— risk severity (typically values could be "critical", "high", "medium", "low") <br />• TYPE —type of risk (e.g. technical, process, organizational, etc.) <br />• RISK MITIGATION PLAN —detailed description of actions (including dates and owners) <br />required mitigating the risk <br />City of Santa Ana—SmartWorks Statement of Work <br />25H-72 Page 65 <br />