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data integration mapping, design and analysis and implementation of services where dcfincd, <br />enQuesta product configuration and adjustment to current business process as required for the <br />deployment of AMI, Integration and Business Process Testing, User acceptance assistance, training <br />of the City's Core Team, and deployment of functionality to proper environments as needed to <br />achieve delivcrablcs and a seamless Go -Live for AMI stage I with the CIS Go -Live and AMI Stage <br />2 Go Live anticipated to be 120 days post CIS Upgrade Go -Live <br />2. NEW TERMINOLOGY <br />AMI — Advanced Metering Infrastructure includes devices and systems that measure, collect and <br />analyze usage, and communicate with metering devices. The AMI system includes a TUNet ( Tantalus <br />Utility Network) interface where data is validated and passed through to other connected systems. The <br />AMI system allows for two way communications with metering endpoints. <br />MDMS — Meter Data Management System is a term used to refer to a metering data storage and analytic <br />system primarily used to store History of Interval data from the AMI head end system, which collects <br />usage and metering data from meter endpoints; the MDMS also includes the account number and <br />communication devices identification hardware. <br />Provisioning - Provisioning is the process by which enQuesta notifies MDMS and Front ends AMI system <br />of impending changes or discrepancies in metering data so as to maintain synchrony and prevent MDMS <br />from initiating unintended actions. For example, a Meter Exchange work order initiated in enQuesta <br />provisions MDMS to prevent MDMS from "overreacting" to the signal interruption that will occur <br />25H-98 Page 91 <br />