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project plan and will adhere to that contract for Go -Live readiness. <br /> The AMI stage 2 testing will occur post Upgrade Go -Live until AMI Stage 2 is <br />deployed to production. At this time Final test acceptance will occur the day before Go - <br />Live. After S&S brings up the enQuesta system and completes initial smoke testing, <br />the Customer will be responsible for final testing before providing the final approval to <br />launch. <br /> Defect Tracking and. Incidents can be catcgorized into bugs, enhancements, training <br />items, configuration issues, conversion issues, and limitations (out of scope). Each <br />type has its own specific workflow and business rules. This will allow Incidents to be <br />documented and traced back to the test case and underlying functional requirement <br />allowing for easy reporting on the "in -process" quality of enQuesta during each testing <br />phase <br />32.1.4. A Project Close document will be created jointly by S&S and The City that will detail <br />the issues that need to be resolved for Project closure. This document, also referred to as <br />a Punch List, will contain the agreed upon priority 0 and 1 defects that need to be resolved <br />before a) go -live and b) project close (end of post go -live). Remaining in scope <br />deliverables that need to be implemented or issues that need to be resolved will also be <br />added to this document. <br /> Issues and defects reported after go -live will be addressed and resolved according to <br />their priority under maintenance and support guidelines and cannot be added to the <br />Project Close document. <br />25H-101 Page9A <br />