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3.2.2. Training <br /> S&S is responsible for providing the Core Team training to all participants identified <br />as the Core Team of the AMI project. The purpose of enQuesta Core Team Training is <br />to train the core project team on the new AMI features, functionality and any changes <br />that will occur to their existing business processes as of result of this AMI solution <br />deployment. The Core Team will be comprised of subject matter experts who manage <br />the major functions of enQuesta, such as Billing, Credit & Collections, Security & <br />Administration, Metering, and Customer Service. Core Team training does not include <br />introductory or basic training to users unfamiliar with the processes of enQuesta. <br /> The City is responsible for providing end user training to all participants the City <br />deems required to be trained for AMI functionality. This training should be completed <br />prior to Go -Live. <br />3.3. Go -Live <br /> Once the system is accepted through completion of the onsitc system acceptance <br />testing. S&S and the City will Go -Live. <br />3.4. Post Go -Live Support <br /> The purpose of this activity is for S&S to assist the Client in the identification and <br />resolution of all functional and technical issues, concerns, and errors, jointly referred to <br />as "Issues" or "defects", related to the operations of the Solution. <br />25H-102 Page 95 <br />