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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />IQ Z0 <br />RESUME <br />Brian Everett CEO/BROKER-IN-CHARGE <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE, continued <br />City of Pico Rivera <br />Passons Grade Separation. The City of Pico Rivera partnered with the City of Santa Fe Springs, Burlington <br />Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF), Caltrans Division of Rail, and several other transportation agencies to <br />secure funding for the $43 million grade separation project. Provided project management and oversight for this <br />grade separation project which allowed Passons Boulevard to pass under the railroad tracks, eliminating a <br />dangerous crossing where many residents had been injured or killed. Handled the legal description and plat <br />map preparation, appraisal, title clearance, property acquisition, and relocation assistance for all parcels <br />required for the project, including part and full takes and approximately 100 relocations under FHWA oversight. <br />Of the part takes, 2 commercial centers, a school, railroad, MTA, and single family properties were affected. A <br />90-unit building was acquired and all occupants relocated without ever issuing a 90-day notice to vacate. <br />City of Oxnard <br />Rice Avenue Interchange Realignment. Directed the activities for 56 mixed -use, full- and part -take acquisitions, <br />30 homeowner and tenant relocations, and 18 business and non-profit organizations relocations. Managed the <br />Las Cortes Project, also in the City of Oxnard, which involved temporary relocation for a 260-unit building being <br />demolished and rebuilt in the City, involving approximately 50 permanent displacements. <br />City of Glendale <br />State Route 134 Freeway Realignment. Project Manager for this State Route project which involved 8 complex <br />industrial part -take acquisitions. The project was performed under the supervision of Caltrans, and involved <br />turn -key services including appraisal, right of way engineering, project management, and eminent domain <br />support. This unique project required major takes from not only Glendale but Los Angeles city departments, <br />including flood control and railroad, affecting the Griffith Park Trust. <br />Los Angeles Unified School District <br />Various Projects. Provided management of the appraisal, title, escrow, acquisition, relocation, interim property <br />management, and demolition services for the School District's projects which involved over 300 acquisitions, <br />250 residential and 80 business relocations. OPC was the major consulting firm for LALISD's extensive school <br />site development program and aided the district in its school site selection process by providing many "in-house" <br />consultants that helped the district with oversight and management of its programs and its relocation plan <br />preparation. In round numbers, OPC helped with 40 school sites, acquired approximately 1,000 properties, and <br />relocated approximately 4,000 households and businesses. <br />Lynwood Unified School District <br />Multiple Project Sites. As Principal-in-Charge/Program Manager, providedfull-serviceprogram managementfor <br />seven school sites that included 100 acquisitions and 350 relocations. The program management included: Title <br />coordination, appraisal coordination, acquisition, relocation, and property management services, in addition to <br />representation to the State of California Department of General Services and the Office of Public School <br />Construction regarding funding matters and bond applications. <br />City of Montclair <br />Grade Separation Project. This project involved 23 full- and part -take acquisitions. Additional services provided <br />included 3 business relocations, appraisal, and escrow coordination. <br />25a g Lives Through Infrastructure <br />—6 ::I&Wn O Pf C <br />