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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D9285551691`0 <br />[Gigs <br />j. RESUME <br />Roy Guinaldo SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER <br />■ OVERVIEW <br />Ir <br />Mr. Guinaldo has over 30 years of real <br />estate experience and is knowledgeable of <br />municipal and governmental procedures and regulations <br />relating to property acquisition (full- and pan- takes) and <br />excess land dispositions. He is responsible for both <br />residential and commercial acquisitions in publicand private <br />sector client acquisition projects and is knowledgeable of <br />the relocation procedures for both residential owners and <br />tenants. Mr. Guinaldo provides training to OPC staff and is <br />bi-lingual English/Spanish. <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />City of Lancaster, CA/Kimley Horn <br />Education <br />Coursework, Cerritos Community College <br />Associated coursework for Real Estate license <br />License(s) <br />Real Estate Broker, California, No. 00986344 <br />Years of Experience <br />Initial Year in Industry: 1988 <br />Initial Year with OPC: 2002 <br />Pedestrian Gap Closures. As a Project Manager, responsibilities include overseeing coordination of title <br />documents, legals/plats/maps, cost estimating, Minimum Value Estimates (MVE), the negotiation process for <br />dedication of land, eminent domain support, and escrow for 26 parcels to construct city improvements such as <br />street widening, ADA complaint curb ramps, and the instillation of curb, gutter, and sidewalks. <br />San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) <br />1-10 Express Lanes Project. Project Manager responsible for over 450 partial acquisitions and complex partial <br />acquisitions as part of a high profile, politically sensitive project to add freeway lanes along the 33-mile segment <br />of Interstate 10 (1-10) between the Los Angeles/San Bernardino (LA/SBd) County Line and Ford Street in San <br />Bernardino County. <br />Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) <br />SR-91 CIP. This high profile, politically sensitive project involves over 450 partial and full acquisitions with varying <br />degrees of difficulty and approximately 250 residential and business relocations. This design -build project will <br />widen approximately 16 miles of active highway through the urbanized area of Corona and the County of <br />Riverside. As a Senior Agent and then Project Manager, responsible for full take and part take acquisitions, as <br />well as complex acquisitions of residential, commercial, and industrial parcels. Additionally, responsible for <br />residential relocation assistance services. Performed project management activities within the project. Negotiated <br />the acquisition of additional right of way throughout the project as needed. Sales Broker. Currently acting as <br />RCTC's Broker, for the sale of several properties associated with the SR-91 project. SR91/SR71 Interchange <br />Improvement Project. Senior Agent responsible for part -take acquisitions. Assisted the project manager by <br />performing certain project management activities within the project. Attended meetings, coordinated offer <br />packages, reviewed documents, and updated the client. SR-74/I-15 Widening Project. Senior Agent responsible <br />for the acquisition of mitigation properties and acquisition of temporary construction easements. I-215 Widening <br />Project; Scott Road to Nuevo. Senior Agent responsible for the acquisition of easements and temporary <br />construction easements. <br />a g Lives Through Infrastructure n <br />2 — :o1'i� <br />