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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />IQ i! <br />j. RESUME <br />Roy Guinaldo SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE, continued <br />Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) <br />1-405 Widening Project. This project is for the creation of new tolled express and general purpose lanes and <br />miscellaneous widening improvements along the 1-405 between SR-73 and 1-605. As a Project Manager, <br />responsible for the right of way acquisition work for 15 parcels. <br />Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)/Hatch Mott <br />MacDonald <br />Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project. Acquisition Manager. Responsible for managing staff, providing updates to the <br />client, and assisting with the acquisition of permanent and temporary easements for the eight -mile light rail <br />which extends from the southern terminus of the Metro Green Line to the new Metro Exposition Line. <br />TRIP/City of Bakersfield <br />Centennial Corridor Improvement Project. This project will facilitate the extension of SR-58 to the west of SR- <br />99 providing a continuous freeway connection to the Westside Parkway (future SR-58). Performing as a Project <br />Manager responsible for acquisition and relocation work for approximately 88 full and partial acquisitions. 24th <br />Street Improvement Project. Responsible for full take and part take acquisitions as well as complex acquisitions <br />of residential, commercial, and industrial parcels. <br />City of Oxnard <br />U.S. 101/Rice Ave. Interchange. Acquisition and Relocation Agent responsible for the acquisition of full and <br />partial takes from residential and commercial properties and mobile homes. The City, in cooperation with <br />Caltrans, reconstructed and widened the existing Rice Avenue/U.S. 101 Interchange and overcrossing from two <br />to six lanes, reconfiguring the on and off -ramps and realigning Ventura Boulevard. <br />City of Long Beach Redevelopment Agency <br />West Gateway Project. Responsible for the acquisition of residential and commercial properties and for the <br />relocation of residential on -site owners. In total, OPC provided relocation for 119 residential tenants, 13 <br />homeowner occupants, and 15 businesses in the West Gateway Project Area. Services included negotiating <br />leasehold interest acquisition and the coordination of bulk sale escrow. <br />City of Irvine <br />Culver Drive Sound Wall. Responsible for the acquisition of temporary construction easements. The goal of the <br />projectwas to widen a portion of Culver Drive from a two-lane undivided roadway to a four -lane divided roadway. <br />OPC developed and implemented the City's right of way acquisition and sound attenuation program in <br />conjunction with the widening and realignment of Culver Drive. <br />DETAILS OF EXPERTISE <br />In -House Courses: <br />IRWACourses: <br />Uniform Act Revisions <br />901 - Engineering Plan Development & Applications <br />Basic Residential Relocation <br />Advanced Residential Relocation <br />Environmental Assessment & Acquisition <br />Business Relocation <br />a i g Lives Through Infrastructure n <br />25 �oPiC <br />