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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />C•71s <br />j. RESUME <br />Mike Parker SENIOR UTILITY PROGRAM MANAGER <br />■ OVERVIEW Education <br />B.S., Business Administration (with Marketing <br />emphasis), Sacramento State University <br />A.A., Santa Rosa Junior College <br />Mr. Parker is a dedicated Senior Utility <br />Manager (Coordinator) and right of way professional Awards <br />who is well versed in the diverse types of delivery Recipient, 2015 Success in Motion Silver Award, <br />methods including but not limited to Design, Bid, Build, Caltrans District 8 <br />Design -Build, CMGC (Construction Manager/General <br />Contractor) as all of these were used on various <br />railroad, bus route, grade separation and assorted Years of Experience <br />other infrastructure projects. He has significant Initial Year in Industry: 1992 <br />knowledge in effectively communicating technical Initial Year with OPC:2011 <br />information with skills in improving processes, <br />calculating risk management, and delivering projects <br />on -time while creating solid strategic business relationships. With over 13 years of Caltrans Right of Way <br />and Utility Coordination experience, he has developed strong business relationships with many of the <br />larger utility companies. Mr. Parker has built trusting relationships with utility owners as he "speaks their <br />language". Mr. Parker has presented several utility coordination seminars through IRWA. <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) <br />1-215 Central Widening. As Utility Project Manager, arranged to have utilities relocated prior to or during <br />construction. Prepared Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Federal Authorization forms, Reports of <br />Investigation, and utility portion of the R/W Certification. Identified property rights issues and coordinated R/W <br />mapping, appraisal, and acquisition of utility or temporary construction areas to accommodate utility relocation. <br />Identified what costs would be borne by the Utility Owner, or the Project, or both. 1-215 and Placentia Avenue <br />Bridge. Utility Manager. Project is a new interchange located in the City of Perris. Currently, coordinating the <br />procurement of as -built plans from utility owners and the potholing of utility facilities. Scope will include the <br />coordination of the protection or relocation of all utilities found in conflict with the project including but not limited <br />to the issuance of Notice to Owner's for both potholing and relocation, Utility Agreements, Reports of <br />Investigations, R/W certification for utilities, coordination of utility encroachment exceptions, procurement of <br />estimates and relocation plans from utility owners and all permits/easements/JUA's/CCUA's as necessary for the <br />project. <br />Riverside County Transportation Department (RCTD) <br />Clay Street, Sunset Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, and Airport Boulevard Grade Separations. Utility Manager for all <br />projects that had Caltrans oversight and were grade separations from existing at grade crossings with the railroad. <br />Reviewed and approved Notice to Owners, Reports of Investigation, Liability packages, Utility Agreements, and <br />other critical forms. Identified property rights issues and coordinated R/W mapping, appraisal, and acquisition to <br />accommodate relocation of utilities. Determined costs related to relocation of utilities. Six Bridges Project in <br />Eastern Riverside County. Senior Utility Manager currently working on the 6-Bridges project that will replace 6 <br />separate bridges throughout eastern Riverside County. Utility scope includes coordination of all utility related <br />issues, potholing, relocation, agreements, certification, etc. <br />2 lla i g Lives Through Infrastructure <br /> /�OPC <br />