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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D9285551691`0 <br />OPC j. RESUME <br />Mike Parker SENIOR UTILITY PROGRAM MANAGER <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE, continued <br />San Bernardino County Transportation Commission (SBCTA) <br />1-1511-215 Devote Interchange Project. As Utility Manager, intimately involved from the on -set of the project that <br />added one lane and truck -bypass lanes in both directions. Developed cost estimates based on several different <br />design alternatives, organized meetings and worked closely with Caltrans and SBCTA to develop potholing <br />plans. Coordinated potholing effort and identified each utility potholed (250 potholes). Coordinated the right of <br />way mapping, appraisal, and acquisition of required utility and/or temporary construction areas to accommodate <br />the relocation of utilities. Prepared Relocation Claim Letters, Notice to Owners, Utility Agreements, Joint Use <br />Agreements, Consent to Common Use Agreements, relinquishments, easements related to utilities, Reports of <br />Investigation, and the utility portion of the R/W certification. Currently closing out the project by paying off final <br />invoicing and procuring final utility owner "grant outs" of easements and Joint/Consent to common use <br />agreements. 1-10Toll Road Project This Design -Build project is currently in construction and will add toll lanes <br />from the LA/SBD county line to the 1-15 interchange. As a Senior Utility Manager responsible for the oversight <br />of the initial design team and their coordination of utilities based on conceptual relocations. Instrumental in the <br />early development of utility agreements, liability determinations, certification of utilities, considered the `go to' <br />utility coordinator for any utility related questions and the coordination with Caltrans district oversight utility <br />coordinators. 1-215 Bi-County Project. This project added carpool lanes in both directions and interchange <br />improvements. As Utility Project Manager, arranged to have all utilities relocated. In addition to all typical utility <br />coordination work as mentioned above, Mr. Parker also assisted in the Federal Authorization forms, easement <br />documents, authorization and payment from utility owners, coordination of meetings with utility owners and <br />Caltrans Design team to identify conflicts, created relocation plans, and resolved liability issues. Adhered to <br />both State and Federal requirements for the relocation of utilities. 1-215 Barton Rd. As Utility Manager <br />coordinated all aspects of the utility process from project inception through current construction. In addition to <br />all typical utility coordination work as mentioned above, Mr. Parker also assisted in the relocation of a cell -site, <br />demolition coordination, service point establishment of several utility owners throughout the project and the <br />transfer of water rights from a locally owned water provider to the City of Colton. 1-10 Cedar Interchange Project. <br />Recently awarded this project which proposes to expand the existing bridge structure crossing both the 1-10 <br />freeway and the adjacent railroad facilities. Scope will include the all utility coordination activities as indicated <br />above and a significant amount of potholing (335 holes). Palm Avenue and Laurel Street Projects. Acted as <br />Utility Manager for two grade separation projects for SBCTA. Prepared notices, coordinated with utility <br />companies, developed status reports, identified property rights issues, and developed utility portion of the R/W <br />certification documents. <br />PAST EXPERIENCE <br />Associate R/W gent, San Bernardino & Riverside <br />Counties, Caltrans, 1998-2011 <br />DETAILS OF EXPERTISE <br />IRWA Courses: <br />202 - Interpersonal Relation in Real Estate <br />207 - Practical Negotiations <br />401 - Part -take appraisal <br />407 - Valuation of Contaminated Properties <br />502 - Business Relocation <br />802 - Legal Aspects of Easements <br />Acting Sr. R/W Agent, Utilities, Caltrans, 1998-2011 <br />803 - Eminent Domain Law <br />901 - Engineering Plan Dev. & App. <br />902 - Property Descriptions <br />Other Coursework: <br />DOT RfW Academy, Right of Way 101 <br />Appraisal Institute, Appraisal Principles <br />a y�g Lives Through Infrastructure �y� <br />2 —9L %.AOPC <br />