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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />IQ i! <br />0 RESUME <br />Linwood "Skip" Carleton, Jr., PLS <br />LAND SURVEYING MANAGER <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE, continued <br />City of Bakersfield (continued) <br />Bakersfield/TRIP, 24th Street Improvements (Former SR 178), Bakersfield, CA. The Thomas Roads <br />Improvement Program or "TRIP" includes a series of improvement projects deemed necessary to update aging <br />infrastructure in areas stressed by years of rapid population growth, interregional travel, and freight movement. <br />As part of the program's collaborative effort between the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, and Caltrans, the <br />Bakersfield 24th Street Improvement Project will significantly enhance some of the City's major arterial roads. <br />Responsible for the engineering design survey and ROW mapping for the project to Caltrans specifications, as <br />well as providing other survey services. He is responsible for all Right of Way Engineering/Land Surveying <br />necessary for the project. <br />PAST RELEVANT EXPERIENCE <br />City of Santa Monica <br />On -Call Land Surveying Services Contract. As Survey Manager, led the effort and provided a wide variety of <br />professional land surveying services to the City on an as -needed basis - including ALTA surveys, topographic <br />mapping, and expert consultation with the city attorney's staff. <br />Los Angeles County Waterworks District, Lancaster <br />Phase II, Avenue K Water Transmission Main. OPC was retained by the Los Angeles County Waterworks <br />District to provide engineering and survey services. As the Survey Manager for the project, provided detailed <br />topographic survey mapping for 1.5 miles of the six -lane boulevard, rendered in AutoCAD, exhibiting lane <br />striping, all improvements, and one -foot contours. <br />Glendale Department of Water and Power (GWP) <br />Adams Hill Water Main Replacement -Survey Services, Glendale, CA GWP intended to replace an existing fl- <br />inch deteriorated cast-iron water main system with approximately 7,760 linear feet of new 6- and 8-inch ductile - <br />iron water mains in the vicinity of Adams Hill, Glendale, California. Mr. Carleton was responsible for all survey <br />services, including establishing control and topographic surveying, necessary for GWP's Water Design Division <br />to complete the replacement design. <br />Santa Monica College <br />Miscellaneous Land Surveying Services, Santa Monica, CA As part of the annual capital improvement program <br />required for the five campuses throughout the City, Santa Monica College utilized Mr. Carleton's management <br />services to facilitate all land surveying and right of way engineering needs including design and topographical <br />surveying, construction staking, and boundary analysis/retracement services. <br />SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE <br />Cannon, Regional Survey Manager, 2009 - 2017; Nolte, Survey Director, 2008 - 2009; David Evans, VP and <br />Regional Survey Mgr. 2004-2008; URS, Regional Field Survey Mgr. 1998- 2004; Alhambra Land Surveyors, VP <br />and Survey Mgr. 1993- 1998; Community Sciences Corporation, Field Surveyor 1978- 1990. <br />251a i g Lives Through Infrastructure <br />— :,Aopc <br />