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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />OPC <br />Linwood "Skip" Carleton, Jr., PLS <br />LAND SURVEYING MANAGER <br />E OVERVIEW <br />As the Right of Way Engineering/Land <br />Surveying Manager, Mr. Carleton brings witY_ <br />him more than 40 years of experience in the surveying field.. <br />Mr. Carleton has served as a Program Manager for several <br />Transportation/Transit projects throughout all of California <br />including as the lead manager for multiple Caltrans District <br />projects and has provided local agencies/municipalities <br />land surveying and right of way engineering support <br />services in the Southern and Central California regions. His <br />expertise includes land surveying program management, <br />property boundary retracement, complex title analysis, field <br />surveying practices, and client right of way engineering <br />standards. <br />PROJECT EXPERIENCE <br />RESUME <br />Education <br />Coursework, University of Miami School of Engineering, <br />Florida <br />License(s) <br />Professional Land Surveyor, California, No. 6594 <br />Professional Land Surveyor in New Mexico, <br />Arizona, Nevada, and Texas <br />Years of Experience <br />Initial Years in Industry: 1973 <br />Initial Year with OPC: 2017 <br />San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) <br />Miscellaneous TitOe/Right of Way Engineering Services. As part of their long-term property management plan, <br />SBCTA required multiple corrections in title/ownership to their railroad track and stations in the Cities of Rancho <br />Cucamonga, Upland, Montclair, San Bernardino, and Ontario, CA. Responsible for the management of all right <br />of way engineering/field surveying and boundary retracement for multiple station properties, and analysis of all <br />deeds/title within the project location. Tasks included preparation of as necessary legal descriptions, plat maps, <br />exhibits, deed documents for approximately 30 deeds to correct erroneous title issues. <br />Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) <br />®so Parkway Improvement Project. In cooperation with Caltrans and the County of Orange, CA, TCA intends to <br />install a diamond interchange at the Oso Parkway/State Route 241 intersection to support the Los Patrones <br />Retail/Shopping Center. As the Right of Way Engineering Manager, responsible for the coordination with multiple <br />surveying firms to facilitate Caltrans approval of all right of way engineering documents and right of way <br />Certification to build the proposed interchange. Miscellaneous Title/Right of Way Engineering Services. As part of <br />their long-term property management plan, TCA has been in the process of disposition of several properties in the <br />Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor, specifically within the Silverado/Mesa Conservation Easement limits. <br />Responsible for preparation of as necessary legal descriptions, plat maps, exhibits, deed documents, and field <br />surveying coordination services in multiple locations. <br />City of Bakersfield <br />Centennial Corridor Improvement Project. The City of Bakersfield, in cooperation with Caltrans, is proposing to <br />build a new east -west transportation corridor for State Route 58, providing a continuous alignment from State <br />Route 99 to Interstate 5. As a Project Manager, responsible for comprehensive engineering design survey services <br />to Caltrans specifications, including; survey monument search and recovery, control verification, supplemental <br />control, 3D laser scanning, topographic surveying and mapping, and 3D modeling. Responsible for preparation of <br />R/W engineering mapping deliverables, and R/W engineering staking necessary to support the design of this <br />project. Efforts included approximately 10 square miles of field surveying effortswithin 3 Caltrans owned freeways, <br />management of multiple field crews, daily interface with the City, and complex mineral rights analysis. <br />a g Lives Through Infrastructure n <br />2 —6 :o1'i� <br />