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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />Company Experience <br />For more than 40 years, Hennessey & Hennessey's primary emphasis has been appraisal for eminent <br />domain purposes for public agencies, specializing in appraising properties for negotiated acquisitions <br />and litigation. Hennessey & Hennessey has a complete understanding of the process and complexity <br />involved in eminent domain law. This ensures that our reports meet the requirements of the law and <br />the guidelines of the review agency, and provide a useful tool with comprehensive information for the <br />acquisition agent, particularly in cases of partial acquisitions. <br />Hennessey & Hennessey has appraised properties for disposition purposes, budgetary estimates, <br />market studies, negotiations, estate planning, franchise fee negotiations, and litigation matters, and has <br />reviewed appraisals prepared by other firms for similar projects. Hennessey & Hennessey also has <br />assisted in the preparation of right of way cost estimates for project study reports and has provided <br />expert testimony in court cases, <br />Our work includes appraising all types of real property —commercial, retail, office, mixed use, <br />industrial, multi -family and single-family residential, agricultural, and special use properties, and <br />vacant land. We also produce narrative appraisals for full and partial acquisitions of vacant and <br />improved parcels along freeway, railroad, flood control and easement corridors. Many of our <br />appraisals are for multiple -parcel right of way projects. <br />With this background of varied appraisal experience and knowledge of appraisal review requirements <br />in accordance with USPAP and federal requirements, Hennessey & Hennessey is well qualified to <br />review appraisals. we have completed hundreds of appraisal reviews similar in nature and complexity <br />to the appraisal assignments listed above. <br />To document our ability to perform the types of assignments to be completed under the proposed <br />contract and the expertise of our staff and subcontractors, brief descriptions of previously completed <br />appraisals and appraisal reviews are presented below. The key personnel responsible for the <br />completion of these projects will be performing the services to be assigned under the proposed <br />contract. <br />Appraisal and Appraisal Review Experience <br />• 1-10 Improvement Project, San Bernardino County, CA - 2018- 2019. Reviewed more than <br />200 appraisals to determine their accuracy and compliance with state and federal guidelines. <br />Contract Fee $380,000. Key Personnel: Sharon A. Hennessey, MAI, SR/WA, AI-GRS <br />1-405 Improvement Project, Orange County, CA - 2016.2019. Reviewed more than 300 <br />appraisals to determine their accuracy and compliance with state and federal guidelines. <br />Contract Fee $1,300,000. Key Personnel: Sharon A. Hennessey, MAI, SR,1WA, AI-GRS <br />+ Redlands Passenger Rail Project, San Bernardino County, CA - 2017- 2019. Reviewed ±40 <br />appraisals to determine their accuracy and compliance with state and federal guidelines. <br />Contract Fee $110,000. Key Personnel: Sharon A. Hennessey, MAI, SR/WA, AI-GRS <br />• State College Blvd Widening Project, Anaheim, CA - 2016- 2017. Appraised multiple <br />properties for a road widening project. Contract Fee $30,000. Key Personnel: Sharon A. <br />Hennessey, MAI, SR/WA, AI-GRS <br />• 1-5 Improvement Project, San Clemente, CA - 2013- 2014. Appraised multiple properties for <br />a freeway widening project. Contract Fee $207,000. Key Personnel: Sharon A. Hennessey, <br />MAI, SR/WA, AI-GRS <br />25D-87 <br />