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DocuSign Envelope ID: 01 C1 DA1 D-6C6A-4608-A484-D928555169F0 <br />[rl <br />qjF <br />Donna Desmond <br />A S S 0 C I A T F S <br />265 S. Beverly Glen Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024 <br />(310) 475-1114 • <br />Donna Desmond Associates is a business valuation firm specializing in valuing goodwill loss in <br />eminent domain proceedings pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 1263.510. <br />Donna Desmond Associates works closely with condemning agencies and private parties to <br />provide comprehensive, well researched and defensible goodwill loss appraisals. Donna <br />Desmond Associates is a certified MWBE (file 914-000009) and is certified as a DBE (file <br />#039212) by the California Unified Certification Program. <br />Eminent Domain Appraisal Services <br />Goodwill loss appraisal services provided by Donna Desmond Associates include: <br />O Preliminary Estimates for Budgetary Purposes <br />O Goodwill Loss Appraisals <br />O Litigation Support <br />O Appraisal Review <br />O Court Testimony <br />Qualifications <br />Donna Desmond, ASA <br />Donna Desmond, President of Donna Desmond Associates, has specialized in business valuation <br />since 1986. She has completed thousands of appraisal assignments for both public agencies and <br />private parties throughout the State of California. Ms. Desmond has qualified as an expert in <br />goodwill loss and business damages in federal district court and in California superior courts in <br />Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Kern, Santa Clara, San Mateo, San <br />Francisco, Contra Costa and Sonoma counties and in Nevada and Texas. Additionally, Ms. <br />Desmond has testified extensively in arbitration throughout California. <br />Ms. Desmond is a senior member of the American Society of Appraisers, Business Valuation <br />discipline and a member of the International Right of Way Association. Ms. Desmond regularly <br />gives seminars to public agencies, attorney groups and right of way organizations. A complete <br />listing of seminars given is provided in the following enclosures. <br />Ms. Desmond graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Los Angeles <br />in 1986 and continues to attend professional education courses in appraisal, finance, accounting <br />and right-of-way. <br />r :: <br />