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Early recognition of problems at management levels such that corrective action can be <br />developed in a timely manner. <br />Our management procedures require the following formal reporting mechanisms tailored to <br />support temporary employment services, all designed for early problem recognition. <br />• Regular, short status reports from the Project Manager to the President focused on: <br />• Client satisfaction and/or concerns <br />• Employee satisfaction and/or concerns <br />• Short range and long range project targets <br />• Answering the question "With what do you need help?" <br />• Feedback from Sierra's accoturting department to review fuaucial status. <br />These formal procedures are supplemented by regular interaction among the entire management <br />team resulting in daily awareness and action on short-term issues. <br />Furthermore, it has been Sierra's practice for the company President to meet at least twice yearly <br />with the key customer management personnel on each project. This practice will continue for <br />your project, per your concurrence. <br />These recognition mechanisms lead to appropriate resolution measures. Each problem is <br />considered first from the potential customer impact point of view. In this manner, customer <br />interests receive priority. Fundamental to problem resolution at Sierra is complete problem <br />understanding so that the right problem is solved the right way. Frequently, this requires short <br />term solutions only. If longer term needs must be addressed, our approach is to determine if the <br />problem also requires either an interim short term solution or a short term solution developed <br />within the context of the longer term need. <br />Sierra's management encourages problem resolution at the lowest functional level consistent <br />with the problem. This encourages employee initiative and usually yields the most responsive <br />and appropriate result. This approach does not preclude higher level management awareness; <br />rather it encourages support to the personnel implementing corrective action. <br />Confidentiality — During our orientation process, we will brief Sierra's employees nn the <br />importance of maintaining confidentiality of all information and client records that may become <br />accessible to our employees at the job site. We work with our clients' human resources, legal, <br />contractual, and project management personnel to obtain guidance with regard to your odes, <br />regulations, statutory laws, and internal policies that address confidentiality requirements. We <br />will ensure that periodic notification of your requirements is provided to our employees, staff, <br />and/or agents, <br />Confidentiality issues are well understood by Sierra's management. We have worked tinder <br />similar provisions for many local, state, and federal government agencies and commercial firms <br />for more than 30 years. Our facility has been cleared to the Top Secret and above levels, by the <br />Department of Defense Security Services and our persormel have performed on classified <br />programs supporting national and international clients. We are required to provide twice -yearly <br />security education seminars for our personnel with security clearances. We matte it a practice to <br />include non -cleared personnel in order to affirm our commitment to meeting the confidentiality <br />requirements of each and every one of our clients. <br />SC20-01 I <br />7C XBEHNB'I'IC5 BCR 3-17 Santa Ana I'i' Professional Services <br />