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B10490BL SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT B <br />3 UNITS <br />This course is a continuation of <br />B10490AL allowing students to present <br />and showcase their work on a <br />culminating senior capstone project <br />related to the Biomedical Engineering <br />field. Formerly BME495, <br />BME BIOMEDICAL <br />ENGINEERING <br />BME421* DEVELOPMENT AND <br />REGULATIONS OF MEDICAL PRODUCTS <br />4 UNITS <br />This course will provide an <br />understanding of the basics of the Food <br />and Drug Administration (FDA) <br />regulation and compliance for medical <br />devices Including how the various <br />activities within a medical device <br />company are affected by the FDA <br />regulations. Additional coverage will <br />include the applicable laws and <br />regulations enforced by the <br />FDA; International standards and <br />regulations; the regulations controlling <br />medical device design and <br />development; the medical device <br />approval process; laboratory and clinical <br />studies; the Introduction to the Quality <br />System Regulations (QSRs); and the FDA <br />inspection process. <br />BME470* MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION <br />DESIGN <br />4 UNITS <br />This course covers fundamentals of <br />medical instrumentation systems, <br />sensors, and biomedical signal <br />processing. Example instruments for <br />cardiovascular and respiratory <br />assessment. Clinical laboratory <br />measurements, therapeutic and <br />prosthetic devices, and electrical safety <br />requirements. <br />C COMPUTER <br />C110 COMPUTER HARDWARE <br />FUNDAMENTALS <br />4 UNITS <br />In this course students study PC <br />hardware components and current <br />operating system administration of <br />workstation computer systems. <br />Hardware portions emphasize data <br />storage, manipulation and recovery <br />techniques. Students learn core and <br />advanced operating system <br />configuration and administration <br />techniques. Topics include disk <br />configurations, hardware devices, user <br />profiles, group policies and networking <br />hardware. Formerly C170. <br />C1101-COMPUTER THEORY I LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: C110 <br />This lab allows the student to receive <br />practical hands-on experience with <br />computer hardware and operating <br />system administration. Computer <br />systems are torn down and configured <br />to give the student an understanding of <br />computer hardware. Students configure <br />various aspects of an operating system <br />to give them an understanding of <br />desktop administration in a networked <br />environment. Formerly C171. <br />C201A INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER <br />PROGRAMMING A <br />2 UNITS <br />Student are Introduced to object <br />oriented programming, including <br />concepts as It relates to: data structure, <br />conditionals, iterations, methods, and <br />pointers, classes, polymorphism, <br />Inheritance, and programming best <br />practices. Formerly CILIA or C320 <br />when taken with C201B. <br />C201AL INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER <br />PROGRAMMING A LAB <br />1 UNIT <br />COREREQUISITE: C201A <br />This lab allows students to apply their <br />knowledge in a lab setting as it applies <br />to C201A. Formerly C101AL or C321 <br />when taken with C201BL. <br />Course Descriptions <br />C201B INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER <br />PROGRAMMING B <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: C201A <br />This course Is a continuation of C2D1A <br />where students further study object <br />oriented program, including concepts as <br />It relates to classes, polymorphism, <br />inheritance, and programming best <br />practices. Formerly C3016 or C320 when <br />taken with C201A. <br />C201BL INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER <br />PROGRAMMING LAB <br />1 UNIT <br />COREREQUISITE: C201B <br />This lab allows students to apply their <br />knowledge in a lab setting as It applies <br />to C201B. Formerly C101AL or C321 <br />when taken with C201AL. <br />C202* DATA COMMUNICATION 1 <br />4 UNITS <br />This course Involves the study of <br />wireless transmission of voice, video <br />and data signals using radio <br />transmission and reception. <br />C203* DATA COMMUNICATION II <br />4 UNITS <br />This course involves the study of <br />communication, cabling practices, using <br />both wired and fiber optic channels, <br />including standards, connection <br />topologies, Installation, testing and <br />troubleshooting. <br />C204* DATA COMMUNICATION II LAB <br />4 UNITS <br />This course gives the students an <br />opportunity to apply their knowledge of <br />cabling in a lab setting. <br />C220 APPLIED NUMERICAL COMPUTING <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: C201B, MT235S <br />Introduction to numerical computing <br />and analysis using MATLAB, Students <br />learn to use numerical methods to solve <br />systems of linear equations and <br />nonlinear equations such as matrix <br />manipulations and algorithm <br />implementations. Students learn to <br />visually display computed values <br />through use or basic plotting <br />techniques, built -In functions, waveform <br />generation and user interfaces. <br />Formerly C494, <br />Page 53 of 67 <br />