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EE210 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 1 <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: ELE100 <br />This course is taught using an Integrated <br />approach where DC Is presented as a <br />special case of AC. Topics include: <br />Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, <br />Series and parallel laws, Flesh and node <br />analysis, frequency response, RLC <br />circuits, transformers, power & energy <br />and transient analysis of circuits. <br />Formerly EE310A or EL410 when taken <br />with EE210L. <br />EE210L CIRCUIT ANALYSIS I LAB <br />1 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: EE210 <br />This course allows students to apply <br />concepts learned In EE210 In a lab <br />setting. Formerly EE310AL or EL410 <br />when taken with EE210. <br />EEZ20 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT235B <br />This course will covers the fundamentals <br />of signal and system analysis, focusing <br />on representations of discrete -time and <br />continuous -time signals (singularity <br />functions, complex exponentla Is and <br />geometrics, Fourier representations, <br />Laplace and 2 transforms, sampling) and <br />representations of linear, time -invariant <br />systems (difference and differential <br />equations, block diagrams, system <br />functions, poles and zeroes, <br />convolution, impulse and step <br />responses, frequency responses). <br />EE220L SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: C220 <br />COREQUISITE: EE220 <br />This course allows student to apply their <br />knowledge in a lab setting as it applies <br />to EE220. The lab will consist of <br />computer -based exercises using <br />MATLAB. <br />EE242 POWER ELECTRONICS <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EE142 <br />The objective of this course is to present <br />the principles of power electronics and <br />its applications. This Includes power <br />electronics circuits, power <br />semiconductor devices, and converter <br />topologies. The student will learn <br />analysis and design techniques for <br />switch -mode converters using the buck, <br />boost, and buck -boost topologies. The <br />course will emphasize complex <br />theoretical analysis and computer <br />simulation tools as course project. <br />Principles of power electronics, power <br />semiconductor devices, switch -mode <br />do-dc converters, power losses, <br />converter dynamics, stability and <br />control design. <br />EE242L POWER ELECTRONICS LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: EE242 <br />This course allows students to apply <br />their knowledge In a lab setting as it <br />applies to EE242. <br />EE251 ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EE142, EE210 <br />This course covers analog Integrated <br />circuits for mixed -signal VLSI, active and <br />passive analog components in <br />Integrated circuits, current mirrors, <br />single -ended and differential amplifiers, <br />Op -Amps, comparators, frequency <br />response and stability analysis, sample <br />and hold circuits, bandgaps. <br />Applications to data converters, power <br />regulators, and filters. Design and <br />simulation using PCB tools <br />EE251L ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS <br />LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: EE251 <br />This course allows students to apply <br />their knowledge in a lab setting as it <br />applies to EE251. <br />Course Descriptions <br />EE252 DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EE251 <br />This course is an overview of metal - <br />oxide semiconductor )MOS) device <br />technologies for large scale Integrated <br />(LSI) circuits; Inverter circuits, static and <br />transient operation; complementary <br />metal -oxide semiconductor (CMOs) <br />logic implementation, full -custom gate <br />design, mask layout fundamentals; <br />static and dynamic logic circuits; <br />sequential logic circuit designs; non- <br />volatile semiconductor memory <br />structures; static and dynamic random <br />access memory design principles Design <br />and simulation using Microwind 2.6a <br />tools. <br />EE260A' DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND <br />INTEGRATED CIRCUITS A <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EE142 and EE160 <br />This course Introduces students to <br />digital logic design in an FPGA utilizing <br />Verllog. Students learn about the design <br />tradeoffs, including speed and <br />optimization, in order to analyze logic <br />circuits and select optimum <br />Implementations. <br />EE260AL" DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND <br />INTEGRATED CIRCUITS A LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: EE260A <br />This course allows students to apply <br />concepts learned in EE260A In a lab <br />setting using an FPGA board. <br />EE2606* DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND <br />INTEGRATED CIRCUITS B <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE; EE260A <br />This course Is continuation of EE260A <br />where further emphasis Is placed on <br />sequential digital circuits and systems. <br />EE260BL* DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND <br />INTEGRATED CIRCUITS A LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: EE260B <br />This course allows students to apply <br />concepts learned In EE260B in a lab <br />setting using an FPGA board. <br />EE311 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS II <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EE210 <br />This course covers the analysis of single- <br />phase and three-phase circuits, Laplace <br />transforms in circuit analysis, and <br />Fourier series. Formerly EE31013 or <br />EL460 when taken with EE311L. <br />Page 55 of 67 <br />