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ELE480 LABVIEW VISUAL <br />PROGRAMMING FOR AUTOMATED <br />SYSTEMS <br />2 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EE311 <br />The purpose of this course is to <br />introduce students to the methods and <br />techniques used in LabVIEW <br />programming. The LabVIEW <br />programming environment has become <br />a standard In both scientific research <br />and industry, especially in the areas of <br />data acquisition and instrument control, <br />making It Important for students to <br />learn how to best use LabVIEW and Its <br />programming environment. Students <br />wlll become familiar with graphical <br />programming basics; file Input/output, <br />stimulus presentation for research <br />experiments, signal generation and <br />processing, and data acquisition and <br />analysis. At the end of this course <br />students will be expected to have the <br />ability to write high-level LabVIEW <br />programs that can be Implemented in <br />both research and Industry <br />environments. Each class will include <br />lectures and hands on exercises. There <br />will be weekly or bi-weekly assignments <br />designed to improve the ability and <br />understanding of the students. Student <br />will also complete a final project which <br />will be related to their own research <br />agenda <br />ELE480L LABVIEW VISUAL <br />PROGRAMMING FOR AUTOMATED <br />SYSTEMS LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: ELE480 <br />This course allows studentsto apply <br />their knowledge In a lab setting as it <br />applies to ELE480. The students, <br />through appropriate programming <br />assignments, gain hands-on experience <br />In programmingfor data acquisition and <br />control <br />EL ELECTRICAL <br />EL100A` CIRCUIT CONSTRUCTION LAB <br />3.5 UNITS <br />In this lab the student will learn <br />component specifications, procedures, <br />use of tools, component Identification, <br />soldering and assembly techniques, <br />fixed power supplies, analog electronics, <br />digital electronics, variable power <br />supplies, and schematics. <br />EL320* PROCESS CONTROL <br />5 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT301 <br />This course teaches the practical details <br />of how elements of a control system are <br />designed and how they operate from a <br />practical working perspective. Students <br />learn the elements that make up the <br />control loop: controller, control <br />element, process, and measurement. <br />EL321* PROCESS CONTROL LAB <br />1 UNIT <br />PREREQUISITE: EL320 <br />This lab provides the students with the <br />opportunity to utilize the concepts <br />learned In Process Control. <br />EL450* DIGITAL DESIGN 1 <br />7.5 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: IE330 or RE210 or EL220 <br />this course presents a comprehensive <br />and concise treatment of the underlying <br />concepts and building blocks that make <br />up today's digital components and <br />systems. It includes analytical tools and <br />design methodologies currently used In <br />design. <br />EL470* DIGITAL DESIGN II <br />2.5 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: EL450 <br />This course involves the microprocessor <br />aspects of digital design and deals <br />primarily with signal conversion, <br />microprocessors, analysis and synthesis. <br />It Includes design methodologies <br />currently used In the design of modern <br />digital devices. <br />EL471* DIGITAL DESIGN II LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREREQUISITE: EL470 <br />This lab course involves utilizing <br />advanced digital circuitry to design and <br />develop individual assignments. <br />Previously 2.5 Units. <br />EL490* ELECTRICAL CODES & <br />REGULATIONS <br />4 UNITS <br />1"his course provides an overview of the <br />vat lous National Electrical Codes used in <br />practice and the impacts of such codes <br />on designs of electrical systems in <br />residential, commercial and industrial <br />settings. <br />Course Descriptions <br />EL495* ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS <br />5 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT410 <br />A course on electronic communications, <br />examines radio frequency signals, <br />propagation and modulation <br />techniques. It covers the Inherent <br />problems encountered In RE <br />communications and electronic <br />communications in general. <br />GE GENERAL EDUCATION <br />GE100* ORGANIZATIONAL <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />2 UNITS <br />This course famllia rizes the students <br />with the functions and structures of <br />organizational communications. It <br />involves power and conflict, dyadic <br />communications, group <br />communications and public forms of <br />communications. <br />GE102 COMPOSITION AND CRITICAL <br />THINKING <br />2 UNITS <br />This course develops a proficiency in <br />reading and writing utilizing the <br />techniques of critical thinking and <br />rhetoric. It explores the more prominent <br />writers and provides an analysis of short <br />stories, poetry, and otherwritings, using <br />reasoning and argument. Formerly <br />GE101 or ENG103A. <br />GE102L COLLEGE WRITING <br />1 UNIT <br />COREQUISITE: GE102 <br />Students develop effective organization <br />and clarity of expression through the <br />use of process and collaborative writing <br />techniques as they practice the <br />principles of expository writing. <br />Students develop an analytical approach <br />to expressing Ideas and use electronic <br />research techniques to develop an in- <br />depth understanding of written forms of <br />expression. Formerly GE110 or <br />ENG101AL. <br />GE202 INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL <br />COMMUNICATION <br />2 UNITS <br />This course familiarizes the students <br />with the functions and structures of <br />technical communication, Including such <br />topics as audience analysis, usability <br />considerations, electronic forms of <br />communication, page layout, and <br />ethical issues facing technical <br />communicators. Formerly ENG101B. <br />Page 59 of 67 <br />