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MT310 LINEAR ALGEBRA <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITES: MT122 <br />This course Is an Introduction to the <br />techniques of linear algebra In Euclidean <br />space. Topics covered include matrices, <br />determinants, and systems of linear <br />equations, vectors In n-dimensional <br />space, complex numbers, and <br />eigenvalues. <br />MT315 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS <br />4 UNITS <br />Students are Introduced to concepts <br />related to discrete mathematics, <br />Including the logic of compound and <br />quantified statements, elementary <br />number theory, sequences, <br />mathematical induction, recursion, and <br />set theory. <br />MT330 CALCULUS 3 <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT235B <br />This course covers functions of several <br />variables and multiple Integration, <br />Including integrals of planes, volume, <br />surface area, Divergence Theorem and <br />Stokes Theorem. <br />MT460 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT235B <br />This course introduces the elements of <br />statistical analysis, using an intuitive <br />approach to the study of probability and <br />probability distributions, measures of <br />central tendency and dispersion, <br />sampling techniques, parametric and <br />non-parametrlc test of hypothesis, point <br />and interval estimation, linear <br />regression, and correlation. <br />Applications to business, biological <br />science and the social sciences are <br />Included. <br />MT470 COMPLEX VARIABLES <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT235B <br />Introduction to analytic functions of <br />several complex variables. The d-bar <br />problem, cousin problems, domains of <br />holomorphy, and complex manifolds. <br />MT480 ORDINARY AND PARTIAL <br />DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: MT330 <br />This course covers ordinary differential <br />equations including existence and <br />uniqueness theorems and the theory of <br />linear systems. Topics may also include <br />stability theory, the study of <br />singularities, and boundary value <br />problems. The wave equation, the heat <br />equation, Laplace's equation, and other <br />classical equations of mathematical <br />physics and their generalizations. <br />NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAL <br />CODE <br />NEC101 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE A <br />4 UNITS <br />This course Introduces the students to <br />various types of raceways, fittings, <br />boxes, enclosures and conduit bodies <br />used In residential, commercial and <br />industrial installation based on NEC <br />Codes. Students will be Instructed on - <br />the Importance of job -site safety and <br />OSHA and proper use of hand tools and <br />symbols pertaining to raceway <br />Installation. Formerly EL164, <br />NEC101L NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE A <br />LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: NEC101 <br />This course is designed to give students <br />residential/ commercial lab project and <br />troubleshooting techniques. Students <br />Will use electrical tools to Install <br />raceways, boxes, will perform conduit <br />bending following NEC Codes. Students <br />are required to follow all safety rules in <br />the lab. Formerly EI.165. <br />NEC110 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE B <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: NEC101 <br />This course Introduces the student's <br />base on NEC Code pertaining to feeder <br />and branch circuit installation in <br />residential, commercial and industrial <br />application including grounding and <br />bonding, blueprint and symbols pertain <br />to wiring installation, smoke detectors, <br />type of switches and receptacle devices. <br />Conductor splitting and terminations, <br />electrical panel will also be introduced. <br />Formerly PLIES. <br />Course Descriptions <br />NEC110L NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE B <br />LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: NEC110 <br />This course introduces the students to <br />lab projects related to wiring of <br />electrical circuits. Safety is enforced. <br />Formerly EL167. <br />NEC120 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE C <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUI51TE: NEC110 <br />This course Introduces the students to <br />electrical symbol, different electrical <br />blue prints, NEC Codes for wire system <br />management, panels, conduit, <br />grounding, switches, raceways and <br />boxes. Formerly EL200. <br />NEC120L NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE C <br />LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: NEC120 <br />This is a lab course so students base on <br />blue prints and NEC Code will do panel <br />Installation, conduit bending and <br />installation, wiring, cable pulling, <br />grounding. By following safety and <br />proper use of hand tools, Safety is <br />enforced. Formerly EL201. <br />NEC123L NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE <br />SPECIAL TOPICS LAB <br />1 UNIT <br />This lab introduces students to specialty <br />topics in the NEC. Labs are rotated <br />based on the faculty discretion and <br />industry input. <br />NEC130 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE D <br />4 UNITS <br />PREREQUISITE: NEC120 <br />This course introduces students to basic <br />electrical safety and OSHA, transformers <br />and power systems, electrical <br />blueprints, solar and wind systems, low <br />voltage wiring, and advanced meter <br />concepts. <br />NEC13OL NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE D <br />LAB <br />2 UNITS <br />COREQUISITE: NEC130 <br />This lab course introduces students to <br />Roni MC Cables, FMC Cables, Meters, <br />Low Voltage/Data Cabling, and burglar <br />alarms. <br />Page 65 of 67 <br />