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EXHIBIT C <br />Employment <br />®ilDevcloment INFORMATION NOTICE <br />EV //jj� Depari ent Date: June 4, 2020 Number: WSIN19-48� <br />State of California Expiration Date: 07/04/2020 <br />STATE NEGOTIATED PERFORMANCE GOALS PY 2020 and 2021 <br />The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 116(b) requires the state to <br />reach an agreement with the US Department of Labor (DOL) on state -level performance goals <br />for the Wagner-Peyser, and WIOA Title IB Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs every <br />two years. <br />In May 2020, the state negotiated the performance goals with the DOL for Program Years (PY) <br />2020 and 2021 using the Statistical Adjustment Model (SAM) as a baseline. <br />PY 2020 and PY 2021 Negotiated Performance Goals <br />Indicators <br />Adults <br />Dislocated <br />Youth <br />Wagner - <br />Workers <br />Peyser <br />Employment Rate 2nd <br />Quarter After Exit <br />67.0% <br />71.9% <br />71.0% <br />61.4% <br />(Includes placement in <br />education for Youth <br />Employment Rate 4th <br />Quarter After Exit <br />66.0% <br />72.5% <br />71.0% <br />62.0% <br />(Includes placement in <br />education for Youth <br />Median Earnings 2nd <br />$6,000 <br />$8,070 <br />$3,490 <br />$6,689 <br />Quarter After Exit <br />Credential Attainment <br />60.0% <br />60.0% <br />60.0% <br />N/A <br />Measurable Skill <br />50.0% <br />50.0% <br />56.4% <br />N/A <br />Gains <br />The Employment Development Department will negotiate levels of performance for five of the <br />WIOA primary indicators of performance with Local Areas for PY 2020 and PY 2021. <br />The state will take into account the following factors when negotiating performance goals with <br />the Local Areas: <br />The EDD Is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services <br />are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. <br />Page 1 of 2 50:187 <br />