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[ZH U O E3° Cherub Corn merdal Excess And Umbrella Insurance <br />ln+restlytati©n, Defense Subicut to u11 urthe terms and conditions of thin iimaraucc, ive vviII have the riolit and duty to <br />And Settlements dt:lt^nd rho insari <br />under Uck—ss Follow-liunn C'ovurage A, agmiml it suit it Ctnmwitm vvith loss to which <br />sucli coveragc applies, if the applicable underlying limits have been exhausted by <br />pagnwm, of indgtticma, sctlk�mt:nis or rut talutl caWsla err uspcneea (irouch e)ate or vxponsos <br />r,;tuce well Iitttitsl: nr <br />under thnlrrella t'ncerage B, against asult to which such coverage applies, even if such <br />suit, is lidse, frdudulcnt or groundless. <br />We huvc no duly to dcfand antic person or Organization agtlinst as. Claim or suit: <br />to which this itsuraucc does not apply: or <br />if any other insurer has it duty II dcfcnd. <br />When we haca the duct' co lte.(end, we III at our discaetinn, i Mgtigjace art}' neW`itrrenee nr <br />offenw alul S;mlc any oluiul or aril, In all odwr• mm rvu nniy, at our &is w ion, parriiciparle in <br />the invem i3sidon. defense and sattlament of any occurrence, offense, daim or suit. <br />Our duly IL) delixtd any pgr;,un or oiganiz0on undo whoa we Niw, until up tote tjpplicrably I .ittiil <br />MIrsurnncc. <br />k:m5£_befilkw, 7�..sX..M.xs.MEIN, .z'.;.g'YA:fi S8A�;5P1:.`r�V[4A&fft1'3@c_`�' ..14 .S.Lln ./?t: .�1..w.:�s..,�.] <br />L"' ujpplementi SulII W ell vrlhu Wrnig and uvntlitiona ul'theg inhurontu, under i?aouaa I'ullvvv- Irorrn <br />Payments Cavcrage A or Unrbmlla C'ov uagc B: <br />A. we will lrat'; with respect ro a claim me investigate of matte, nr a snit against an insured <br />wo dol'cnd: <br />I. the expeubvi We lnt'uv. <br />2. the cost of-. <br />a. ball hondm: or <br />honds required to: <br />(1) arypealjnrlpmetrls;nr <br />(2) release alcrchmerms <br />but only lhr bond aniotuu: wirhln the availahle Limit 1101 limirance. We rin not <br />Iona to furnish th= bonds, <br />3. rcasnnablc-.Kpcnscs incw lyd by the insured ac cor request ro %Ssiit us in the <br />iartsii atiuu or dcroasu ursurll Claim or wit. iucludiug actual loss of urliupn up <br />to S 1000 a day becalm of time off frDln work. <br />4. Como razed aa,ainst the insured In the suit, except any: <br />7. aunrney 6ae6 or Iiiigatinn exprnses: Or <br />b, u[her-loss, oust ur lxpenw; <br />in <;unncetion avilh tiny irtiunUlitm or uthur uquitublo rvlkL <br />5, prciudl 4nvnl rawrosl uwurdud uguinst dic insured on Ihul purl of a judguuxri t� u <br />tray. It'we make an offer to pay the applicable Limit Of lnmtuanee, we mi II not lwY <br />any, pn judgutent irtcrest based on that poriotl or tiriw after flit oti'cr. <br />C IMLO Onerrmcma4 Ly=s Aald L'Y/ bt)/'Jfa h1A nmoo? ' <br />FO.n'Ii OT-G2�0.8l5iRvv 7-071 <br />9� .a•.� lilekManagement4tWsfon <br />REVIEWED&APPROVES BY <br />-� —J Risk Management Analyst <br />