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Supplementary � b. interest on the lbII amount of n judeimut that accrues nBcr entry of []re judgment <br />Payments and 1mrore we have paid, offered to pry or deposited in court the part of ilia <br />(continued) judlyneat that is Within the applicable Lin]it Of lnsnuanec• <br />B. Supplementary Payments duos not include any ftne or other penalty. <br />C. Supplennentaty, Payments will not reduce the Limits Of Insurance. <br />Our obligatlon to make these payments ands when we have used up the applicable Limit or <br />Insurance. <br />Coverage Territory <br />Excess Follow -Form With respect to D'EVOSS Poltow-T ornt Covcraao A, this insurance applies anywhere that ilia <br />Coverage appliClAdeunderlyinginsurance applies. <br />Umbrella Covorage B With respact to Utild rella Coverage 13, this insurance applics anywhere. <br />s�...x rw. no-s<v, . ,._.. _.., a..>r.^s.,, n urmma-e,ae. rya,. +s us �w _-<ncv, •,�.,- .n ems. ., .., _��. w^....�w�e� <br />Who Is An Insuredl With respect to rmoss Pollow-roan C:ovetago A, the following persons and organizations <br />XCQ$S F01lvw-F0rn1 qualifyasinsureds: <br />Coverage A • tine Named Insured shown in the Declarations; and <br />other persons or organizations qunlifyiag as an insured in underlying insurance, but not <br />beyond the exwnr orany lituiialion imposed under any cunlract or agrcernenn, <br />Who Is An Insuredl Willi respect to Umbrella Covernge n, the following persons and organizations qualify as <br />Umbrella Coverage B la,u ds. <br />Sole Proprlelorshlps Iryou are an individual, you and your spouse are hnsm'eds; but ynu and your spouse am <br />Insureds only with respect to the conduct ofa business of which you are flue same owner. <br />Ifyou ilia: <br />• persons or organizations having proper temporary custody of your propertyare insureds; <br />but they are, tusiirads only with respect to the nnaintenancc or use of suit pnoperty and <br />only for acts until your legal representative has been appointed; and <br />your legal representatives are insureds; but they are hrsnreds only with respect to their <br />drnties as your legal r0p cscohaivcs. Such legal roprescntativcs will trsstanc your rights <br />and duties under this insurance, <br />Partaerslllps Or Joint I you are a partnership (including a limited Nobility partnership) or a joint venture, you arc all <br />Venters Insured. Your Incnnbers,,your pariners and their spouses arc Insureds; but they are Insureds <br />only with respect to the conduct of your business. <br />Chubb ConunarcM Lxcass Aad tlrn6rmQa lrlsuromA <br />Fnem 07412-08t5 (Raw. 7-N) -- Cmrtrod <br />R�EVIEWED 6.APPftOVm BY' <br />ra z <br />ai f 4M'6 V.tme'd <br />• Ri5k4§anagemcnt Analyst <br />