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Who 1s An htsured/ <br />Umbrella Coverage S <br />(conflnued) <br />Subsidiary Or Newly if there is no other instinince available, the following organizations will qualify as anined <br />Acquired Or Formed insureds: <br />Organizations a subsidiary organization of the first panned Insured shown in the Deolarations of which, <br />at the beginning or the policy period and at Clue time or loss, such first trained fissured <br />controls, either directly or indirectly, more than fitly (SO) percent of file interests untitled <br />to vote generally in ilia election of the governing body of such orkanizntion; or <br />a subsidiary orgi i7anlmt of the first moped Insured shown In the Oeclararions that such <br />Fast named insured acquires or fetus during die policy period, if at the time of loss such <br />first nutted htsured controls, ekher directly or indirectly, Inert, than filly (S()) percent of <br />the inatresis entitled to vote generally in the election of the governing body of such <br />organization. <br />Urnitations On Who Is An With respect to Urnbrella Coverage 13, the following limitations apply to Who is An Insured, <br />Insured A. l'xceptln the extent provided under the Subsidiary Or Newly Acquired Or N'orniod <br />Organizatiunsprovision, no person or organization is an Insured with respect to the <br />conduct of nay person or organization that is not shown as a nntned Insured in the <br />Declarations. <br />B, No person or organization is, an iussi ed with respect to the: <br />I. ownership, Lila!ntenance or use orany assets; Of <br />2, conduct of any person or organi7aton whose ascots, basineas or argasti73r1011; <br />you auluire, either directly or indirectly, l'orauy; <br />bodily injury or property daroage that occurivd; or, <br />advertising injury or personal iu,lur , arising not of an offense ttrst couinlued: <br />in whole or in part, before you, directly or indirectly, acquired such assets, business or <br />organization, <br />C. No person or organization is an htsured with respect to the conduct of any partnership <br />(ineludhtg any lituited liability partnership), joint venture or limped liability camlaany <br />that is not shown as a named insured in the Duclaralians. <br />Limits Of insurance With respect to all coverages under this Con€ract, the L knits Of tnsurarwe shown in the <br />Declarut:ions and the rules below: fix the most we will pay, regardless of tire number oil <br />+ Insureds; <br />+ claims made or suits brought; <br />= persona or organizations making clainns or bringing surfs; <br />vehicles involved; or <br />• coverages provided in this contract- <br />rdfabb Comoseclef Excess ArM Uaibroft 7alaursrice <br />Fnrrn 47-6USI5 (RPV.. 7-07) Gnntrar.P <br />�y RialcldmagementDrviatan '� <br />a�7 REVIEWED &APPROVED BY <br />pp <br />I� Risk Management Analyst a <br />