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C: H U B E3° Chubb Commercial Excess And Umbrella Insurance <br />Who Is An Insured/ <br />UinbrOla Coverage B <br />(wriVnt od) <br />0l7ili`ed Liability Companies IC Vnu nrw }I Irri I"d li>tl7ility uvuipnny, yutl me an inynr(,.d, VoLl, nl erritn'I's m7d Ihoir ypliusce me <br />tnsureds; Isut they arc insuredl only with resilzut to the conductofyour businc:s. Your <br />rrinnio eiq tun insueedic but they mn iIli a MIA 41111V with lentrcal hr Lheir dal iea HS ybnr <br />I1731Ya1?C1"8. <br />t17er Organizations ly{1n }tli lift ❑I' nrlll}yliUn (RI 141hn }l pl'q ICSSiUrwI corpor,ali(in) (1llior Ilion }1 pnl'hwTyhip, join. <br />vamule or limilat habiIily c,) Intiany, viii are in Insured. Your if!recrom and otficcrs are <br />insureds; but Ihkyy arc insureds only with restEw I 111MU (ILI IiV6 ftb your dilimuIU s or u[fivers, <br />Ymtr stockholders and their spouml; are insureds: bucthepare insureds only with respect cn <br />their liability as year atocl(holdcn-s, <br />GYF;ployeas Y'r}nrrmpingcrs al'e insureds; bi It ItiCy Im wis WkIl in Iha sropn ul1heir <br />eniployrnent by you or while performing dnticel relarcd to the conduct of your busincr<. <br />Vokinteer3 Perpnnn sehn ogre VnInniver workeiv liir ynu arc insureds; but diey;ue ilreueods only lily a118 <br />within the. ceopc of their activities for you and at your dirovtiom <br />Real Estate Managers Perbors; icthur than your cmpiny'ccs) or orguniratioiv while uuling as your real uatnlo <br />manager: am insureds; but they arc insureds only with Isspoct ro ncxir duties a: your real <br />estate Mrtnafna,s. <br />Lessors Of Egt1lpment Parsons or nrganirli.ionx lion) whoni You i". ,o equiprnenl are insurvi s; hin inky are insureds <br />only with respect to thy, maintcnanac or uv,, iva you of such cquipmcnr and only if you arc <br />cpnlrpWitnilly o1lignlud to rnxoaidc Ilion such inrurauu:v- Ile it }itlnldcd by Ibis LOYi II'nUI. <br />IlUtvuY'Cr: no Ruch paiuWi rieorganirku.iLan is Ill inuurQ(1 V.ithrospuwt lU am.; <br />• dnrnirg,:y nriging UlU.UI-ttlgir UllIQ nugl gen(:4'; or <br />uccurrencc I111IL occurs, or ulLanac thnl is couunilted, alter Ilne ulLlipincnl lease cndy, <br />Lessors Of i°Yeaiises I'emons or nrgani nations born whom you lease premises ale lnsnreds; but they are insureds <br />only with MIll)Wt to the nwncrship, Inaillmnanor, Or u,c of that particuhir part of such inernis.cs <br />lu w,d Loyou mill only il'you a revollunultatlly ubligal oil lu pixlvidv Own) wish svoh iiv tlrrIIG: <br />as is afforded by this; Cortnia. <br />How,.;,cr. no such p:Iwon or organization is an insured with respccc to any: <br />damages arising Our of Eheir sole negligence; <br />occurrence ill;)] occurs, Or nl amnia chat is cmnndred, alter you cease 1,h he a tenant in the <br />prctnivos: or <br />sLrut'Iurtl allt'rution, now construction nr deraulitiun operitions perlornno.1 by or can <br />hahalt'oithe M. <br />BIMNjj Coen }rorurd Ezscss AM Jeribli41c fn&y 1QW <br />F„rri 07-0:-MS iRvv 7-01) Contract _— <br />a UN9 >ir�kMan-p/-'tumtl)hdelOn r3 <br />PpREVIEWED & APPRO�VgED BYe <br />Msk Management Analyst <br />