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When Excess Subject to all o dic terns and conditions oC ibis insurnnce, with respect to I=ess Irnliow-I°earn <br />Follow -Forty? Coverage A, ifthe npplicable underlying lirnita area <br />Coverage A Applies reduced bypaymcut of judgments, scalemcnts or related costs or expanses (if such costs <br />(Drop Down) or expenses reduce such limits), rx"ss Follow -Forum Coverage A will drop dawn to <br />apply in excess of the renrnmmg amOtmt of the npplicnble underlying Iluits; or <br />exhmisted by payment otjudgments, settlements or related costs or expenses (if such <br />costs or expense.. reduce such limils), Excess Follow -Form Covartgo A will Apply in tine <br />same manner as the applicable underlying insurance would have applied but for such. <br />exhaustion. <br />+'.V ., ;w ?. ^P ` ' ••, .ery G �r-.9+u = s. .2..h4EWM1 11 „,.M' . :.^� :SF e.a _i4t �i+b—?ax'23=¢ilssl R..F'ak:39 <br />Excluslonsl with respect to Excess Follow -Form Coverage A, Ito foilnvving exclusions np;nly. <br />Excess Follow -Form <br />Coverage A <br />Poltut on A. This insurance does not apply h, any liability or loss, cost or expense arising, out of the <br />actual, alleged or threatened discharge, disporsal, swpago, migration, release or escape of <br />pollutants, other than as dowdliM hi, paragraph C, below. <br />B. Paragraph A, above does not apply to: <br />bodily injury or properly damage included in the products-complotcd operation3 <br />hazard; <br />2. bodily injury or property dntnagw <br />a. caused by the escaiac oroperating fluids which are necdcd to perform flie <br />normal electrical, hydraulic or mechanical functions necessary for the <br />Operation of mobile, equipment Or its parts; <br />b. if sustained within a bttildiug and caused by the release of gaseous irritnnbs <br />or contaminants from materints brought into that buildbag, in connection <br />with operations being performed by you or oil your behalf by a conhaclor or <br />subcontractor, or <br />c, resulting from your other ongoing contracting operxions; <br />3. bodily injury iFsustaine-d within a building and enusecl by the escape of guseous <br />irrilaots or conummivams from equipment used to heat drat building; <br />d. bodily injury to property daninge caused by heal smoke or fuunes front A hoslim <br />Cure; or <br />5. bodily Injury or properly damage resulting train the ownership, maintenance or use <br />of un unto. <br />C. This insurance does not apply to any liability or toss, cost or expense arising out of [lie <br />actual, nlleged Or threatencai discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or csonpo of <br />pollutants:. <br />I. which ar+c or were at airy tine transported, handled, stored, disposed of, processed <br />or treated as waste by or for any: <br />tt. Insured.; or <br />b, person or organization For whom tiny insured may be legally responsiblo. <br />2. at or from any pretuiscs, site or location: <br />I <br />. which is or was at any time used by or forany insured or Other;& for the <br />handling, storagc, disposal, processing or treatment ofwasic; or <br />Chubb GoinmrCM Exe0ss And Umbmfla irisurance <br />Farm 07-02-08t5(Rov 7-00) t+M1tl'Rrf <br />RlekManagemmEDlvu[on ,�s��. <br />REVIEWEo&APPROYEDBY '19 <br />IlI' '�' 1hs,oi.Ne z mE d <br />Risk Management Analyst <br />