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C H U B PR" Chubb CommerclalEEKcess And Umbrella Insurance <br />Exclusiorras! <br />Excess Follow -Form <br />Coverage m <br />Pollution b. un xahich nny i INS IN Md ur anY con h^nalur ur ruhcnnlm.anr work in V. divorl ly; sr <br />(mnilrrttad) iudircorly On tuty insured's behalf is performing uperatious, if thv uporations <br />m-e. In Ioil Ihr, nimilar, radim uh, relnove, cnvlain, lival, dcurxify at <br />ncutallize. or in any way m"Pad to. Or assess the cffbxts of pollutants. <br />U. I'Itis ilmoranec does not apply to any lom cost or cxpensc arising out of any: <br />request, demand, order, oricgularny or statntary rcquircmcin that any insured ar <br />Othm lust for. inurmor. darn up, n.movc, conlaal. IMll. dctO:sile or nentn1li2Q, Or <br />in any way reiiw rid In; nr ae:ess dte eWetlIs. rrfpniIntalttsl or <br />claim ur 1nrr;� l i ag try ))run hchnl I'ofany giwonnnruod atrthnrit}. ar ula;etr Ibr <br />danrtfcs bmiusc of t.:sting for. monitoring, cicaning. up, rernoviug, comtdraiug, <br />Irvating, tictuxifying or nutivolidng, or in any wity ropunding Io, tara;,�uWng thu <br />aftuctr: of pollutants. <br />Paragraph U. above does not apply to the Ilabil ity for damages; for propertg darnage, that the <br />in wrOil tywtdd haw irl the F7115S't'q'.0 of such Tannest, dernnnd, tordo-(IT rx+gulaloly Ur sudusury <br />roquiretrtcnt, nr such claim orproeccding by or on behalf ofaocernmental authority. <br />I his cxc lusion app lies mgnrdhcss of wh Ahc r or not the pal luri on was accidental, expected. <br />17tidua1„ hand¢, proventablc or suddon. <br />Obligations Of Underlying A hk wilirancc Ares not apply to any I iabllily or IOss, coat or expense for which the liability or <br />Insurance obligation under underlying insurance is by WX 11111intitcd. <br />Undodying hlsut"Ince Nomiilralantling anything lO Ou c0urary' Set I'nrlh in any odwr pruyi+ion of'ilrii a!uronrul, ihii <br />Exchssicns insulance does not apply ro ant liability ar loss. coat or expense to which the terms and <br />cundilions or underlying insurance du not apply, <br />s::r,:�.m*'�rxss..r.raax:..:rars,_,.:_�ra.,?Fxa^�»..�m¢vs r�r+.r.�_x ae,... ..,.:.�^x.,. c. ;_.-a.��.rs��..�vrsrs�.�.*e�ara..stra�rIMu...c�,;,.re.z .•*a :� r:a <br />Excfuslonsf WA l:alwct to t.tubrdla Covcragc 13. Bodily Injury And Propclty Damage l.iabi ling Sits erago, <br />Umbi,ella Coverage B Iln+rulluwirii; "'chisiuns upPlq, <br />BodNy "'Jury/ <br />F'ropeeiy Damage <br />Aircraft 0xined Or Rented Thus insurance does not apply to bodily igiory Or proprrty daumKe arisiry out ul'tho <br />Without Crew cmncl:ship, mainicnanc-us: (tisc inchtdes nitcration and loading or unloading) arcntnutm,:nt <br />to othtxs of nny auvroft owned or oporntcd by or lcxincd or ranted to any insured. <br />This exclusion dues not apply tO an airentlt ttan is: <br />Ioanod or rentcti to you with a paid. tralncd crow; mul <br />nor oWnai, to whole or in pasq by any inittrkd. <br />Chubb Oonzn 1'aLXCY6' And UM&UjoUjo 10,eiff,10M _ <br />Farm 07-0214M5 Rev 7.071 eonWad <br />„ WehMarmgentuttl)IWsltln , <br />S��rR'EMEW/ED&pAP'Pfte OdVMSY. <br />i t MrWie.i+2 h,. Ms64fKGRt <br />nek Management Analyst <br />'V <br />