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Exclusions/ With respect to Urnbrella Coverage 11, Advertising Injury alntb Pe-isennl Injury Liability <br />Umbrella ella Coverage 8 Coverubc, ibe falIuwing cxc9usirns reply, <br />Advertising Injuryl <br />Personal Injury <br />Breech Of Contract This iuslruace does not apply tr uttvarflsing Injury arpersmaal Injury misir� art ofbreach <br />orcontract. <br />Continuing Offenses This insurance does not apply to advertising Injury or personal lujury flint arise's out ofthat <br />par[ of an offense that continues or resumes after the later of the end of the policy period of: <br />A. this hisurance; or <br />11, a subsequent, caminuoas renewal or replacement ofthis insuraum, that <br />I. is issued to you by us or by an afiiiiiatc of ours; <br />2. lomains at rome while the ojTottse continues; and <br />3. would otliumisu apply to advertising injury and personal Injury. <br />Crime Or Fraud This insnlnneod'oas Clot apply to advertising injury or personal Injury arising out orally <br />criminal or fraudulent conduct committed by or with the consent or knowledge or Nu Insured, <br />Expected Or Intended This insurance does »tit apply to advertising Injury or personal lnjrny arising out of an <br />injury offense, committed by -or behalf of the insured, that: <br />Is Intended by such Insured; or <br />would be expected from the standpoint or a reasonable person in the ciremnstmrces of <br />such insured; <br />to cause injury, <br />Failure To Conform To This insurance does not apply to advertising injury or personal Injury arising out of the <br />Representations Or failure of goods, products or sem ues to conrorm with any eleetronie, oral, written or other <br />Warranties repre,Ganlation of warranty ordumbility, illness„ performance. quality or list. <br />interrtetActivities This insuranut(toes not apply to advertising hijury or personal injury arising out of: <br />controbhng, creating, designing or tlevebotaing aranothoes hamlet site; <br />A controlling, creating; designing, developing, determining or providing the content or <br />material ofanwher's Internet site; <br />contro€ling, f4eififating or providing, or railing to control, facilitate or provide, aecess to <br />the Intenmet m' anntltoea Internet situ; or <br />publication of content or material on or from the Internet, otherthmt material developed <br />by you or at your direstiou. <br />Prior Offenses This insurance does rot apply to advertising Injury or personal lujil y arising out of ally <br />ot%nse first conuaiinad before the beginning of the policy perhx€, <br />Cftbb CommerdW Excess Aaf UmDrolki bisuranov <br />Fnem 07-02-OS15(Rev. 7-0 f) <br />CrHrtrar,P <br />r� w� Wa4Menagemertl)wiatmt <br />REviEwEofx APPROVm BY <br />i �nA.e•rwx f:. V,�tf writ y;'. <br />rr <br />'�Risle Mana9emen[Anatyst k <br />