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Fm <br />Exrjiuslonsl <br />Umbrella Coverage B <br />Advertising Injury/ <br />Personal Injury <br />(Confinti8d) <br />Publications With <br />KnoWeo'ge Of Falsity <br />Wrong Ciescrrption Of <br />,Pdoes <br />Chubb Commercial Excess And Umbrella Insurance <br />'I'llk oil surance dnes nol apply to advorlising injury or personal injury arising nut n1"any <br />akxtronk,, oral, wxitim or other pubHcution of martin/ by or with the cumznt of the insured: <br />with knowledl c of its falsity; or <br />if a reasonable pcnion in the circunrsranccs of such insured %VonId havo known aurh <br />rualcrial lu be false <br />Thk insurance cloes not apply to advertising injury or personal injun, arisingout of the <br />wwng description of chc prior of goods, products or scrviecs. <br />�s��srazxsacmm�as�sers>:srxcea€srrAvx, sa�„am�^mz�as3mw .saasrr�ara.,,:s4�rr �arm�sas..-°�a�s<ee�eaN:.a:�xeeay.:acrrcamr�sam�•u=::�:nc�r <br />Excluslonsl Willi rtalaedl 10 Cmbrv1la C kwomigo R, Bodily Injury And Proporiy numndc Linbility Cat+wags <br />Umbrella Coverage IB and Advertising Iniury And Nrsunnl Injury Linbilin Cowrago, the followin'> exehasions upply. <br />Bodily Injury! <br />Property Damagef <br />Advertising injuryl <br />Personal Injury <br />Employee Of Worker A4 11tis imuruiec duos no llpply to budily injury, propeaty dxatage, adveriisutg injury <br />Injury or personal injure nrintained by an empinyea or towporary worker oft1w insured <br />arising out of and in the course of-. <br />1. c npluymcnt by the insureds or <br />2. performing duties related to tho conduct of the insured's hutincss. <br />B. i'Itis iwituancc does not apply to bodily injury, property, daurage,personaI injury of <br />adver-flxirtg injure calculi ice] by Ill r. Iml Iher, child, parcnl, :,h 1H nrsponsr, nl'nuclI <br />injmrcd perion, as a irolmqucncc of any injury or dnnrage described in paragraph A. <br />nbuvc. <br />This cxchlsion applies: <br />whcthor the insured nets' bu liablo ;as an employee' or in tiny other onpaoity; and <br />to any obligation to Mkrarc darna8cs with or repay sonl'one clsc who must lulu damaged <br />boram,B of any initily Ur dllIa54C dvxoriI)td in pliia nraph4 A. it 13. alm,v. <br />Enhancement, This insurance does not apply to any lone, casr or erpome incurred by yarn or other, for any: <br />Maintenance OrPrevention A. enhaneancntornalinrcnanc. otiany pioperty;nr <br />Expenses <br />hi. preveruinu orally injwy or rlanlaae to any: <br />1. persaur nr DMIanifaliuo; ur <br />2. prol7erly you own, rent m moully. <br />ChuLb Cloraifa8rC0 Lxcoss And timb.mia Ira-wincc <br />Fomr 07-02.03l5 Rev. 7-07J Con:rsLi <br />RlehManilpr EDlWWIrnt ' <br />8� REVIEWEDFi APPROVED BV <br />z Vaan.ark <br />Risk Management Analyst <br />ilt <br />