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Exclusionsf <br />Umbrella Coverage Q <br />Bodily Injury/ <br />Property Damagef <br />Advertising Injury! <br />Personal Injury <br />(cenflntiod) <br />Olellectual Pfoperty La WS This insurance does not apply to any actual or alleged bodily Injury, property damage, <br />Or Rirglats advertising Injury or personal Injury arising out of, giving rise to or in tiny way related to <br />any actual at allo,ged: <br />;assertion; or <br />infringcmont or violation; <br />by any person or orgnn1716011 (including any Insurers) of any f t(ellocitmi property lave or <br />right, rugardless of whether this insurance wnuld olla rwise apply to all or part of any such <br />actual or alleged injury or domage in the abserrce of any such rental or alleged assertion, <br />infiri,ngernow or violation. <br />This axelusion applies, indesssuoiinjury: <br />is caused by an offense described in the definition of advertising injury; and <br />does not eriseoil( of, give rise to or ht ally way relate to any actual Or alleged assertion, <br />urfringemcit or violation of any intolectual proporty low or right, other than one <br />described in the definition oradvorosing injtrry. <br />PDllutton A. This huturance does not apply to bodily Injury, property dau age, advertising Injury <br />or personal ]njury arising out of the ncloal, alleged or thraatcred discharge, dispersal, <br />seepage, migration, release or creape of polhrtatts. <br />6. This insurance does notapply to any loss, cost or expense arising outof any: <br />1. request, demand, order or regulatory or statutory requirement that any lusuretl or <br />others test for, mortifor, clean up, remove,. contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize., or <br />in any wa,y tespond to, or assess the af9ecis of pollutants; or <br />2. claim or pro:eedingby or on behalf of a governmental Authority or others for <br />daoroges beeauso ortesling For, monitoring, cleaning up, rvatoving, containing, <br />treating, detoxifying or neutralizing, or at any way responding to, or assessing the <br />officers of pollutants. <br />This exclusion applies regardless of whether Or not the lrollution woe itrcidawal, expected, <br />gradual, intended, presentable or sudden. <br />Recall Of Products, Work This insurance does not apply nr damages claimed For any Foss, cost or expense incurred by you <br />Or unpaired Property ar others for (lie loss of use, withdrawal, recall, ll, inspection, repair, wplacernent, adjustment, <br />removal ordisposal of <br />your product; <br />your work; or <br />impaired property; <br />DiubA Gomaiarc0af Excess Arid 00toffa MAyramy <br />Foem 07.02-0945 (Rev. 7-0 0) <br />rwrxafrarP <br />Rick Manage,nmtDMSIM <br />f ,rIy REVIEWED&APPROVED By., h <br />8' aiiilll' it Far.crt,n.¢ k. V.9.ta.,enE <br />M—' Risk Management Analyst <br />