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C H U B B" Chubb Commercial Excess And Umbrella Insurance <br />,Definlitionws% WITH RESPECT TO UMBRELLA COVERAGE. B, INTIEN USED WITH RESPECT <br />Umbrella Za.OL,BFe! Ei 'IY1 Ih'SI: RANC'R UNDER] 'IIIS CON 1 RAC" i', WCIRD.S AND PURASI";S'I'llAT <br />APPEAR IN HOLD NUN 'I' I1A,VI?'I'IIE SPE(AAI. hth:ANING5 DU.S{:IIIHIiD HE'LONY, <br />Aduortis©ment A(IY eOwn ..nI nwons an Cl('eIYtnie, ota 1, t !IWn or 011W I)Qlici?, 0001 eo(xls. llt(KIUM Ur <br />scrvi.cs, dcsi mcd for the Specific purpose of attracting; r1w general public or a specific market <br />szgrrirnl 1u uve tun:h gwxls, pmdluac uraervicc,. <br />A(IverliW.uwnI does nu6in('luduuny u-uviil lld tir('Pe;, InIenlCI &Min in Tuna+(rro0wTcIeerrtnic. <br />address, or macalanguage. <br />AdverttBifltg Injury Advurlising Injury incilns injury, allter Ihiu1 bodily injury, proprr(.y dumagr or pursunul <br />injury, sustained bya pennon or organization and caused by an offense of infringing, in that <br />parlicular pail of your udreriisemaeni uboul your guu(b, prodlIVIS ur sca't'iVcs, UP011 Iheir: <br />Vupyri„;hk(] ndveriistmeni: or <br />registcred collective marl:, rcgistercd scmicc (nark or other registered trademarked nenlc. <br />slogun, yyulbol or dilu. <br />Auto Auto nicane a land motorvchicic, Bailer or vzmi trailer designed fnr travel on public roads, <br />including Aim allachcd ❑mrlllnertl VT y'(ItIlpTlll,5lt. RV All lu dVCS nUt lll('IVde Tngbilw "JUillTnenl., <br />Bpdilylrrjury Ilndilyinjurrnieansphvswal; <br />irrl Ul'SS <br />sickncssi ur <br />discmcm <br />sushlhlcd by a person„ ntchldin;i resultinu dc41111, h.:unliliution, memo] anguish mcnlal injury or <br />shock irl imy One, All catch logs shall be demed 1(1 uss.ur ;Tl. Ih;: {fine ul'lhc physival injtny, <br />sickness or &A au; that caused it. <br />Eoripir)yee Emplom includes a loused worker. Elnpluycc dotci not iuchulc A Ivroporary, +rorkvr, <br />Impaired Prcipefty Iaupaircil property IMAM biligihle pntperly, udier Ihan vnur produel or your work, thus <br />oanuo4 be UbCd ariS less UaCfnl becausc; <br />it iucnrporate5 your product nryaur work that as known or thought to be defective, <br />dclieicnl. inulucluadu or d!u;gmus; or <br />you have foiled to fulfill the term: or ctrndiiions oI a contract or agmincat; <br />if such property can b, rewired to use by: <br />• the repair; replaecnnent, adfusnnclu or rcrmnval of your product or your work: or <br />your fulfilling the tens or conditions of the contract or agroelncot. <br />Chubb CoawlluL','u.' LXross AM UmMAO fo&, <br />Fam 07-020R 15+Rr,v 7-01J Contract <br />a RlekManagernentptWaton A <br />3<Y ° RE AEwEo & APPROVED By dq <br />Risk Management Analyst ' <br />