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Dofiritdtons/ WITH RFSPEC:TTO UMBRELLA COVERAGE B, WHEN USED WITH RESPECT <br />Umbrella Coverage S TO INSURANCE UNDUR THIS CONTRACT, WORDS AND PHRASES THAT <br />(cortttnued) APPEAR IN BOLD PRINT HAVE THE SPECIAL MEANINGS DESCRIBED BELOW. <br />Insated Contract Insured Contract nceiis an oral or written contract or agreement pertaining to your business, <br />in which you assunn; the lorl liability of anuther person or organization to pay damages, to <br />which this insuralcco applies, sustained by a third person or organir.alion, provided the injury or <br />damage oocurs, or is caused by all ortiause that is first conrnine:d, Rosa• the execuffon of such <br />contract er agreement. <br />IntallectUat Property Low Intellectual, property fare or right iromvs ally: <br />Or Right certification mark, copyright, patent or nadenrark (including collective or service €narks); <br />Elgin to, or judicial or statutory low recognizing nil interest in, ally trade senor or <br />confidential or proprietary ton -personal infornlnlion; <br />other right to, or judicial or statutory law recognizing an interest in, any expression, idea, <br />likencss, name, slogan, style of doing business, symbol, lisle, trade chess or other <br />intellectual properly; or <br />otherjudicial or statutory law concerning piracy, unfair competition or other similar <br />prtelices. <br />Leased Worker Leased worker means a person leased to a party by a labor leasing rrrin, in a contract or <br />ngreenteat betaveen such party and the labor lensing Linn, to perform duties related to Ore <br />conduct ofdio party's business. Leased worker does not include a temporary worker. <br />Loading Or Unloading Loading or unloading: <br />A. means the handling of property: <br />1. after it is moved rival the place where it is acecltW ror movement into or onto an <br />aircraft, auto or watercraft; <br />1 while itis in or onnil aircraft, nuts or wolereraR; or <br />3. while it is boing moves) from an aircraft, auto or watorcraft to the place where it is <br />finally delivered. <br />B. daec not (elude the navenient of property by means of n mcehanicril device, other than <br />a hand nitek, that is not attached to the nive�rall, auto or watercraft, <br />Occurrence Oeelirrenco means on accident, Isteludiug cola fnuous or repeaed exposure to substanthdly the <br />sane general harmful conditions. <br />officer Officer nxenns a person holding any of the officer positions created by an.Organization`s <br />charter, constitution, by-laws or bny other similar governing docionert. <br />Uwbb Con,rnerckd Execs Arid Umbrerla rnsuranoa + <br />Fnmi 07-02-08M (Rpv. 7-01) CM h Rc F + lugu aapma omsim 3f <br />Renawao&APPROVED By <br />pp q <br />Risk klanagemnl Analyst @. <br />