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Poky De rinit(gi➢s WITH RESPECT TO ALL COVERAGES UNDER THIS CONTRACT, WHEN USED <br />(corrihrried) NVITH RESPECT TO INSURANCE UNDERTHIS CON`I'RACC, WORDS AND <br />PHRASES TI➢AT APPEAR IN BOLD PRINT HAVE THE SPECIAL MEANINGS <br />DESCRUIED 1If1LOW. <br />Nuclear Faculty Nuclear Will'", monas any: <br />A. nuclear reactor; <br />B, crtuipntoat ordccico dosigtred uruscd for; <br />1, sc7rEnatin[gthcisotopc�xvfplutoniumoruranium; <br />2. processing or tit nuclear spent fuel; or <br />3. handling, processing or packaging nuclear waste; <br />C:„ equipment or device used ror Elie processing, fabricating or alloying of nuclear material <br />ifat any time the total tunount of such material in the custody of the Insured tit the <br />premises u9tem such eruipment or device is located consists of or contains mm a than: <br />lwenty-five (21) grams of phiwniatn er ura(tinnt233,orAny o010binnd0l) tier€vi: <br />or <br />2. (Avo•hundred-fifty (250) grams of utnniuur 235; or <br />1). structure, basin, excavalion, pronisas or place prepared or used for the stanigo or <br />disposal of ancicar waste; <br />and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all operatimts conducted on such <br />site and all preuliscs used for suolr opemlions, <br />Nuclear Hazardous Nuclear hautrdous propertles include rndloactive, toxic oroxplosive fimInnies. <br />Properties <br />Nuclear Metedal Nuclear material means by-product material, source material or, special nuclear material. <br />By-product material, source material and special nuclear utntatial have tite mcuuings given <br />than in the Uaitcd States of Arrieticu Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any law amendatory <br />thereof. <br />Nuclear Property Damage Nuclear property china) a hicludes ell forilrs orradicraclive conhnntantion or prope y, <br />Nuclear Reactor Nuclear reactor tucaIts city apparatus desil nod or used to susmitt nuclear fission in a sell- <br />supporting chair reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable niateriat. <br />Nuclear Spent Fuel Nuclear spent fact ineans ally NO elemont or (bel component, solid or Iitluid, which has been <br />used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor. <br />Cirobb GoolowrChi? Excess Amd Um bmi)a lnsurwn f) _ <br />Fart G7-m2-0ST5 [Rev. 7-01) Crnntrarf <br />ri mA� lUskManagementDl m r <br />& REVIEWED&APPRDVEDBY W <br />a. <br />`' Risk Rianagemenr Analyst �p <br />