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C H U E3 B° <br />Chubb Commercial Excess And Umbrella Insurance <br />Policy Definitions <br />li'11'11 IIESPEC" 1''i'C1 AI:1. C i)VIfIlAC71? 4II\IIU:It'I IIN VON'I'RAC:'I'a WIIEN'i D <br />(can&JU49d) <br />NAITH RESPECT 70INSURANCE UNDER THIS CONTRACT, WORDS AND <br />PIIR.ASICS'I'IIATAI'PRAR IN 1101,I) PRINI' IIAVIC'I'lll•:SPii(11.A1. NIVANINGS <br />- <br />IIUSI:RISI?Il BICIA)W. <br />NuclearWaste <br />Nticlearwaate lncansatrywasic nnatcrial! <br />• cnntainingntic lattrniatcrlal,atherrhanrhetoll incsorwa,teaproduced hyfli-e:traction <br />or wrtuonkralion u1' unrniunl or thoritnn fwm any uivprowsscd printi rily for ils source <br />material cnntcnt: and <br />• r,,aullmg hinl IIatllieladon by any R!Mnll nrorpnVSllion Orally' nuclear lftdlltk <br />dosuribcd in subperag mphs A. or B, of the defirsition of nuclear facility. <br />Other losumnce s lthcr i s5arance 1=ans tiny iwurancc affording cuvc1111-0 4hsu this in<.unlncc would also <br />an ord. tither insurance includes any type nfself insurance or 01her meeilankin arranged for <br />tllndn g of loss. <br />Othev insurtmcu does not include underlying invurance or insantnca ni #wtiatad spzcitically <br />In apply in excess nrthislnanranca. <br />Pollutants <br />Pollutants mcaus any solid, liquid, gliscous or thermal irritant of contaniinant, including; <br />SMOkC. V4pQr, soil, ILI11IV*s, aGIdS. al6rlhS, 01011llcal$ wd wliis1C, Wit irluludosIvillal'lala w bz <br />moAcIed, mcoridltionell or I'c lailned. <br />cult <br />Suit mean:; a civil procwding in which dtustaips, to which this insut'anoe applies, era nought. <br />Suit Includes an arhilralhn ar otherdhfttwe iewlndnla proeezdimd in which : aoh dalnar,„tes are <br />fiDu€;ht and to MIMI rh,' insured nlusr sublilit or doca aubinit witli our coaticur. <br />Undedying lnsurance <br />LndNrly'ing hisnraFlee meths the cLly'Snig,us Lot' Ihchkizurd3 desvii1wd in Ihu SQhodisllt Of <br />Undtnlving Instuance carrel the next renewal nr repincernant insurance thelelnr. <br />Underlying Limits <br />Underlying limits moms the stunt of amounts: <br />A shown for the hantrds dcsm ihad in the Schedule Of Underlying Instn'unec cansi rin,, of <br />auualunrs: ` <br />1. available under applicable underlying insurnnce; and <br />3, any, insured rnwi pay bccavae traderlving insurance, asaq)wsonted by.wu, is <br />Ilot available, regardleRs of the rragan, <br />I;, a4ailablii under ally appiicable anwu,:Jvn4,.. runwwal or lt'pl.'wurnnrl4ul llllde.rly'lll�, <br />insurancc; <br />C. of any allwation,dsductlble,participation. reteniionarotherself-inmralleeapplieable to <br />Lk insurance d sc~iibod in purag aphs A. tend B. above; anti <br />U. any reinstkncnncat of limits or supplcmontal ur othta- limits nNailuble under thu insuraucc <br />rles-db Ad In paragraphs A. and 11. above. <br />GffieJA Coovwcerjol LkCGIS: AM UONIINJO lrilao low _ <br />Farm 07.62-adi5 Rev 7-01J Cc n:ract <br />ry Rlen <br />kManagM1:111 ,ftw <br />[REVIEWED &ryAPPRovEmD BY: <br />��I <br />Risk Management Analyst <br />