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c. Injury On Normally Occupied Premises <br />To a person injured on that part of premises <br />you own or rent that the person normally occu- <br />pies. <br />d. Workers Compensation And Similar Laws <br />To a person, whether or not an "employee" of <br />any insured, if benefits for the "bodily injury" <br />are payable or must be provided under a <br />workers' compensation or disability benefits <br />law or a similar law. <br />9. Athletics Activities <br />To a person injured while practicing, instructing <br />or participating in any physical exercises or <br />games, sports, or athletic contests. <br />L Products -Completed Operations Hazard <br />Included within the "products -completed opera- <br />tions hazard". <br />g. Coverage A Exclusions <br />Excluded under Coverage A. <br />COVERAGE FORM EXCLUSIONS <br />The following exclusions apply to all Coverages in this <br />Coverage Form and all endorsements attached to it. <br />1. Asbestos, Silica or Similar Compounds, <br />Including Mixed Dust <br />a. This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense arising out of the actual, <br />alleged or threatened contaminative, pathogen- <br />ic, toxic or other hazardous properties of: <br />(1) "Asbestos"; <br />(2) "Silica"; or <br />(3) "Mixed dust". <br />b. This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense arising, in whole or in <br />part, out of any: <br />(1) Demand, order, request or regulatory or <br />statutory requirement that any insured or <br />others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, <br />contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in <br />any way respond to, or assess; or <br />(2) Claim or proceeding by or on behalf of a <br />governmental authority or others for any <br />damages, loss, cost or expense because of <br />testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, remov- <br />ing, containing, treating, detoxifying or neu- <br />tralizing, or in any way responding to, or as- <br />sessing; <br />the effects of "asbestos", "silica" or "mixed <br />dust". <br />2. Employment -Related Practices <br />This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense sustained at any time by: <br />a. Any person, whether or not sustained in the <br />course of employment by any insured, arising <br />out of any employment -related act, omission, <br />policy, practice or representation directed at <br />such person, occurring in whole or in part at <br />any time, including any: <br />(1) Arrest, detention or imprisonment; <br />(2) Breach of any express or implied cove- <br />nant; <br />(3) Coercion, criticism, humiliation, prosecu- <br />tion or retaliation; <br />(4) Defamation or disparagement; <br />(5) Demotion, discipline, evaluation or reas- <br />signment; <br />(6) Discrimination, harassment or segrega- <br />tion; <br />(7) (a) Eviction; or <br />(b) Invasion or other violation of any right <br />of occupancy; <br />(8) Failure or refusal to advance, compensate, <br />employ or promote; <br />(9) Invasion or other violation of any right of <br />privacy or publicity; <br />(10)Termination of employment; or <br />(11)Other employment -related act, omission, <br />policy, practice, representation or relation- <br />ship in connection with any insured at any <br />time. <br />b. The brother, child, parent, sister or spouse of <br />such person at whom any employment -related <br />act, omission, policy, practice or representation <br />is directed, as described in paragraph a. above, <br />as a consequence thereof. <br />This exclusion applies: <br />1. Whether the insured may be liable as an em- <br />ployer or in any other capacity; and <br />ii. To any obligation to share damages with or <br />repay someone else who must pay damages <br />because of any of the foregoing. <br />3. Enhancement, Maintenance or Prevention Ex- <br />penses <br />This insurance does not apply to any loss, cost or <br />expense incurred by you or others for any: <br />a. Enhancement or maintenance of any property; <br />or <br />b. Prevention of any injury or damage to any: <br />(1) Person or organization; or <br />(2) Property you own, rent or occupy. <br />Form 10-02-1800 (Rev. 6.09) Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with <br />its permission <br />Risk Mmagmad Division <br />s°% RwM & ArrRavm ft <br />®' Rnk Management Analyst <br />bos las69 oI,I_L s,,u,,.I C1,,/cre^3 I "e-,a _ 13/SRO1I l 0 , � I l] 1'sr. I -9e <br />9'his certificate cancels and supersedes ALL previously issued certificates. <br />