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4. Fungi or Bacteria <br />This Insurance does not apply to: <br />a. "Bodily injury', "property damage", "personal <br />injury" or "advertising injury" arising out of the <br />actual, alleged or threatened contaminative, <br />pathogenic, toxic or other hazardous <br />properties of 'fungi" or bacteria. <br />b. Any damages, loss, cost or expense arising <br />out of any: <br />(1) Demand, order, request or regulatory or <br />statutory requirement that any insured or <br />others test for, monitor, dean up, remove, <br />contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in <br />any way respond to, or assess; or <br />(2) Claim or proceeding by or on behalf of a <br />governmental authority or others for any <br />damages, loss, cost or expense because <br />of testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, re- <br />moving, containing, treating, detoxifying or <br />neutralizing, or in any way responding to, <br />or assessing; <br />the effects of 'fungi" or bacteria. <br />S. Information Distribution Laws <br />This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense arising out of any actual or <br />alleged violation of: <br />a. The United States of America CAN-SPAM Act <br />of 2003 or any law amendatory thereof; <br />b. The United States of America Telephone Con- <br />sumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 or any <br />law amendatory thereof; or <br />c. Any other ordinance, regulation or statute relat- <br />ing to communicating, distribution, publication, <br />sending or transmitting of content, information <br />or material. <br />6. Intellectual Property Laws and Rights <br />This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense arising out of, giving rise to <br />or in any way related to any actual or alleged: <br />a. Assertion; or <br />b. Infringement or violation; <br />by any person or organization (including any <br />insured) of any 'intellectual property law or right, <br />regardless of whether this insurance would <br />otherwise apply to all or part of any such actual or <br />alleged injury or damage in the absence of any <br />such actual or alleged assertion, infringement or <br />violation. <br />This exclusion applies, unless such injury: <br />(1) Is caused by an offense described in the defini- <br />tion of 'advertising injury"; and <br />(2) Does not arise out of, give rise to, or in any <br />way relate to any actual or alleged assertion, <br />infringement or violation of any "intellectual <br />property law or right", other than one described <br />in the definition of 'advertising injury". <br />7. Lead <br />a. This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense arising out of the actual, <br />alleged or threatened contaminative, <br />pathogenic, toxic or other hazardous properties <br />of 'lead". <br />b. This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense arising, in whole or in <br />part, out of any: <br />(1) Demand, order, request or regulatory or <br />statutory requirement that any insured or <br />others test for, monitor, clean up, remove, <br />contain, treat, detoxify or neutralize, or in <br />any way respond to, or assess; or <br />(2) Claim or proceeding by or on behalf of a <br />governmental authority or others for any <br />damages, loss, cost or expense because of <br />testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, remov- <br />ing, containing, treating, detoxifying or neu- <br />tralizing, or in any way responding to, or as- <br />sessing; <br />the effects of 'lead'. <br />8. War <br />This insurance does not apply to any damages, <br />loss, cost or expense, however caused, arising, di- <br />rectly or indirectly, out of: <br />a. War, including undeclared or civil war; <br />b. Warlike action by a military force, including ac- <br />tion in hindering or defending against an actual <br />or expected attack, by any government, sover- <br />eign or other authority using military personnel <br />or other agents; or <br />c. Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped <br />power, or action taken by governmental author- <br />ity in hindering or defending against any of <br />these. <br />SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS —COVERAGES A <br />AND B <br />We will pay, with respect to any claim we investigate <br />or settle, or any "suit" against an insured we defend: <br />1. All expenses we incur. <br />2. Up to $250 for cost of bail bonds required because <br />of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of <br />the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury <br />Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to fur- <br />nish these bonds. <br />3. The cost of bonds to release attachments, but only <br />for bond amounts within the applicable limit of in- <br />surance. We do not have to furnish these bonds. <br />Page 8 of 16 Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Form 1i <br />Inc., with its permission <br />Ride Meugemmt Division <br /><93 �i. Revs r ® iArw+wer. <br />!�� FIA* na e Z vit'vd <br />® Risk Management Malyst <br />')stas I zs'.ic ns ,me we iic-e a I os_ea ` I i s '- i i _s_, •_ <br />This cer[ ficate ncels and supersedes ALL pueviou 11 ssaed�c rtif3cates o <br />